Chapter 7.

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A/N: I loved writing this chapter! I hope you guys will enjoy it just as much :)

Beta love: TheLastLynx (on FFN)

It was almost six o'clock when Draco knocked on her office door again. Hermione could have worked for much longer, but her brain felt fried, and about half an hour ago she had gotten an annoying headache. She needed to stop and take some painkillers. A date with the one and only Draco Malfoy sounded like the perfect reward for her hard work today, and Hermione was excited to get the know the young man better.

'Are you ready?' Draco asked when she had swallowed her painkillers with a glass of water.

Hermione nodded, grabbed her bag and jacket from the couch, and allowed Draco to lead her out of the shop. When they walked towards his motorcycle, she almost squealed in excitement. She knew he had brought her home on it on Saturday, but she couldn't really enjoy it then due to her huge hangover.

'Can I drive?' she asked, only partly joking.

Draco laughed and handed her the spare helmet.

'In your dreams, Princess. No one but me rides my baby,' he answered, winking at her when she pouted.

Draco straddled his bike, and Hermione quickly positioned herself behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and let her cheek rest against his back. When he started the engine she grinned at the sound of it. Oh, how she loved motorcycles. They rode past Sirius when they got through the gates, and Hermione waved at him. She saw his brows furrow just before he disappeared from sight. She really hoped he wouldn't worry. He cared about her, he had told her as much repeatedly, and he probably saw the Slytherin jacket Draco was wearing. Or he recognized his bike... For some reason he didn't seem to trust Draco, and she decided she would talk to Sirius about it tomorrow.

Hermione enjoyed the ride, and she almost felt sad when Draco slowed down after a few minutes. They stopped in front of a big building, and she smiled when she realised it was a bowling centre. It was one of the last things she had expected, and she loved it.

'It belongs to my best friend's dad,' Draco said when Hermione let go of his waist to get of the motorcycle. 'I spent a lot of free time here when I was a kid, and I even worked in their restaurant a few summers in a row.'

Hermione swallowed a giggle; she couldn't imagine Draco working in a restaurant.

'You did? Did you serve tables?' she asked, trying to keep a straight face .

Draco rolled his eyes, and carefully pulled the helmet she was wearing off of her head.

'Of course I didn't serve tables, that's a far too low of a job for a Malfoy. I was manager, and sometimes I helped the chef when it was busy,' he shrugged, his lips curling up in a small smile when her jaw dropped.

'Manager? How old were you?'

'I started working there when I was sixteen, I think. Thoros trusted me and Theo to keep the place running when he went on his holiday, so he made me restaurant manager and Theo manager of the bowling area,' Draco replied. He tenderly reached up to smoothen down her wild curls.

'Aren't you full of surprises,' Hermione murmured.

Draco smirked at her before turning around to put a lock on his motorcycle. Hermione couldn't help but stare at him. A streak of sunlight touched his almost white hair; it almost looked like it glowed. For a moment he seemed like an ethereal creature, a fairy maybe; pale and beautiful, surrounded by the bright glow of a halo, all he missed were a pair of wings. When he got up again, Hermione quickly looked the other way, pretending to be interesting in the colourful flowers in front of the building. Suddenly she remembered something he just said.

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