Chapter 3.

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A/N: Not much Draco in this chapter (I'm sorry!) but next chapter will make up for it, I promise! *smirks* Thanks for reading guys! Enjoy this new chapter :)

Beta love: Amanda Quick


Theodore Nott was absolutely head over heels for Luna. Hermione could see it in every little thing he did. The way he looked at her with adoration whenever she spoke, the way his eyes followed every move she made, and how he always found a way to touch her, even if it was just his hand on her lower back. It was cute, sickening, but cute. Especially coming from such a tough guys like Theo. He looked quite dangerous with his massive arms, tattoos, and a few scars marking his skin. Although when he was talking or looking at Luna, he reminded Hermione of a giant fluffy puppy. From what Hermione could see, Theo's feelings looked genuine, happily she gazed at Luna and saw the feelings being returned. Luna really deserved someone who praised the ground she walked upon.

'So how do you like your job so far?' Luna asked, looking around the office that was becoming cleaner by the minute. She and Theo had taken a seat on the black couch and were keeping Hermione company while she continued to clean her working place. Luna had offered to help, but Hermione knew from experience that it was better for the blonde to just sit back and watch, The last time she helped Hermione tidy up her parent's living room, everything was misplaced. Their stapler was still missing, it had been almost a year since she had helped 'tidy'.

'I just started today, or actually tomorrow is my first official day. I couldn't really work in this mess before now,' Hermione said, gesturing to the now almost empty desk. 'But I just helped Sirius with one of the bikes, and that I absolutely loved.'

Luna smiled at her. 'I'm glad. You have always been too bright to sit in that old dusy bookstore. This suits you better. You can use your brains and your hands. Plus, look at all the hot guys you will shock by fixing their precious motorcycle.'

Theo barked out a laugh and Hermione chuckled. She guessed her friend was right. She loved her books and helping people. Putting those together and helping people find the books and stories that they were looking for, was wonderful when the store was thriving, though like all places there were quiet lulls in the store. In the beginning, Hermione didn't mind at all, although after two years, she has gotten bored of all the quiet. True she could do her homework or read all the books she wanted to at work, but she just didn't have the drive to go to work anymore. She lacked the passion to make it through the day. Her new job gave her the opportunities to grow again, in several different ways. Hermione woke up excited and ready to go to work again. She was already planning for the fall when classes started back that she could continue her employment here.

'You sound like Ginny,' Hermione said, thinking of how excited the redhead had been when she told her about this job. 'Speaking of Ginny, did she invite your for her soccer game next week as well? Apparently it is an important one.'

Ginny had played soccer since high school and last year she was scouted for the English National girl's soccer team. That girl was amazing and even though Hermione didn't like sports very much, she loved watching Ginny play. Hermione had already agreed to go and she knew Harry, Ron and Neville would be coming to watch as well. The four of them had always been Ginny's greatest supporters and when they grew closer to Luna, the blonde was quickly added to that team.

'Of course I'm going silly, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Besides, Ginny would kill me if I wouldn't go,' Luna giggled, leaning in closer to Theo.

'We wouldn't want that now, would we,' Theo said, smiling at his girlfriend. He kissed her temple and his face suddenly got serious. 'I am coming with you by the way,' he whispered to her.

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