Chapter 10.

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A/N: I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU ALL TO READ THIS CHAPTER! Sorry you had to wait almost 2 months for this, but I'm trying to juggle 3 jobs (yes im crazy) with my social life, chronic illness and hobbies.. It took some time to get used to it, but it's slowly getting better. I hope this chapter was worth the wait hehe :)

Beta love: BIG BIG shout out to my wonderful beta TheLastLynx & my lovely alpha mandi762.
Extra credit to TheLastLynx, cause without her this chapter would be a mess.


It was the day of Ginny's game and Hermione decided to wear the football jersey her best friend had given her a while ago. She knew Ginny would appreciate the support. The shirt was a shade of dark green, and had the logo of the football club on the left side of the chest. Because it was still quite hot outside, Hermione slipped into her jeans shorts, and put on her converse trainers. After quickly braiding her hair, and brushing her teeth, she went downstairs for breakfast.

'Good morning, sweety,' her mother greeted her from the stove.

"Morning, mum! That smells delicious. Is it what I think you're making?" she asked as she strode to look into the frying pan.

"What do you think?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" Glancing into the pan, she wrapped her mum in a hug, "You're the best!" She placed a kiss on her cheek, and turned to greet her dad. "Morning, dad!"

Richard was reading the morning paper with a mug of coffee in hand. He looked up when his daughter approached him and smiled at her.

'Look at you, wearing sportswear,' he teased when she kissed his cheek as well.

Hermione rolled her eyes, and sat down across of him, grabbing the business section of the paper which her father had already read. After a few minutes, Helen placed a plate full of pancakes on the table, and the Granger family enjoyed a peaceful breakfast together. All three of them read a section of the paper while chewing on their pancakes, and switched sections when they were done. For as long as Hermione remembered, breakfasts had always quiet, the Grangers just like to give their brain time to wake up before they got chatty. Cause they did. Once their plates and mugs of tea were empty, they put the paper away and talked about their plans for today.

At half nine Hermione went over to the Potters' to pick up Harry. They would go together as Ginny was already at the club for her warm-up. Luna and Neville would meet them there as well, as would Theo, Draco, and Pansy. The Slytherins had happily accepted the invitation to join them, even after Luna told her boyfriend he could not cheer for the opposite team; apparently, Theo was no fan of The Harpies, Ginny's club. Hermione felt excited about seeing Draco again. Yesterday had been amazing, and she looked forward to spending some more time with him.

'I heard you had a good time at work yesterday,' Harry grinned as soon as they got into his car.

Hermione chuckled. 'Sirius?'

When her friend shook his head she frowned; who else could have told him?

'Neville; he came over last night. Pansy told him, just as she said he should avoid Draco today. Any chance you might explain?' Harry asked, his eyes shining with mischief.

He knew very well why, and she was aware that he enjoyed seeing her squirm under his teasing glance.

'Oh, shut it, Potter. You know Neville and I are just friends; Draco just got a little jealous,' Hermione said, keeping her eyes on the road.

Harry had accepted her offer to drive his car for once, and it was a great excuse for avoiding his inquiring look.

'Yeah he looks like the possessive type, just like Theo. I guess it's a Slytherin thing,' Harry nodded.

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