chapter 1

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** pic above is my idea of Ryan**

Once again I woke up before my alarm could blare out ,I thanked god for that because trust me my alarm can give you heart attack.Literally. Well why do I have such a heart attack inducing alarm, the answer is simple and only have one simple little word GYM,yes gym I am literally obsessed with working out that's why when most people of my age go to bed I wake up. 

It was around seven years back when the obsession really started although this was a really healthy obsession, My cousin took me to gym and then there was no getting back, Because of this obsession my father has installed a sort of mini gym at our home.

After finishing my workout routine I took a not so quick shower, well can't go to college smelling like shit or sweat in my case.

After getting dressed in a simple blue faded jeans along with a plain white T-shirt I got into my
Mahindra Thar and started for college, well most of the time I don't even turn the radio on i just like driving in peace, I know I know I am weird because who the hell does not listen to music while driving, well for starters ME obviously and I always get chewed on because of this silly thing by my friends.

As soon as I parked I could hear the over energetic voice of Aarti calling out my name "RAY" "RAY" well that's me Ray as my friends call me or Ryan,currently a college student,single child of awesome but slightly busy parents, gym freak,22 years old well i guess that's it I was taken out of my train of thoughts when Aarti tapped on the hood of my car rather violently.

"Women what the hell is wrong with you I just got this car like a month ago don't try to scratch it Its like a once in a lifetime kind of gift from my father" saying that I hopped out of the drivers seat.

Aarti just rolled her eyes at my statement "As if. Your dad like buys you a new car every six months Mr. I-am-super-rich-but-I-am-trying-to-be-modest"

Now it was my turn to roll eyes."I can't win against you in this argument so I'll leave it here, so where is everyone else"

"Sameer is in that new cafe that opened during the break everybody else will be there soon, he  just messaged me that we will be having fun with some juniors"and she winked while saying the last statement making me laugh, "well they better not be bullying anyone" I said. "Oh calm down nobody is bullying anyone per se they are just teasing the fresh meat that's all"

"Okay if you say so".

The moment I stepped inside the cafe someone was trying to rush outside and collided with me Instinctively I extended my arms to catch them and the action made their head snap towards me and I saw the most innocent and beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life.

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