Chapter 32

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** pic above ---- just some tasteful artwork**

Ryan's POV

His lips were soft under mine, the kiss was not aggressive but gentle and loving, we didn't kiss for minutes or hours like they say in books, No the kiss was short and sweet just enough to assure each other about our feelings. I gently touched my forehead with his, for a minute we just stood like that eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

I can't really believe that I got this courage to actually tell him about my feelings and at top of that I can't really believe that this gorgeous boy reciprocates my feelings.

I gently moved at a arms distance from him still cupping his face, and once he opened his eyes I couldn't stop this myriad of emotions that went through me and without missing another second I hugged him, the hug was tight enough to assure me that he indeed is real and here with me, a sigh escaped his lips making me let go of him but not before placing a loving kiss under his ear that made him shudder against me.

"What is it?" I asked him while raking my eyes on his beautiful face, he averted his eyes for a second then looked back at me and said "Ryan I –I you..." the way he was at loss of words to express made me worry, So I gently placed my hand on his cheek and said "Hey, look at me, is something bothering you" He just gave a nod at that, confusing me even more "Do you not trust my feelings towards you?" I asked him, however the question itself didn't sit right with me but that's the only thing that came in my mind looking at his doubtful expression.

Kanan took a step back and then sat on the beanbag placed against the wall, he rubbed his face tiredly, then looked up to me and said "It's not that but- but you can't blame me to be slightly uhmmm slightly uhhh."

He left the sentence there making me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"It's just that, I liked you since I saw you on day one but I uhmm I kinda always have known that I am gay but you – you are n-not so uhmmm I am just paranoid that it's just weird curious phase and I..." before he could complete his sentence I kneeled down in front of him and kissed him, the kiss was brief enough to make him stop talking.

I took his hands in mine, still kneeling in front of the beanbag he was sitting in "Kanan it's not a phase, it's true that I never actually liked another guy, nor do I think that I was a closeted gay hiding behind the façade of being straight, No I actually never gave any thought about sexuality, I am not even sure what label I identify as, but as I said earlier that one thing that I am completely sure about is that it's not a phase, I like you for who you are and gender doesn't matter to me."

His eyes went soft at that, he tugged his hand that I was still holding so I let go of his left hand but still held onto his right one, he tugged his hand again but I didn't let go making him laugh lightly. He stroked my hair with his free hand and said "I thought you didn't like me the way you used to avoid me whenever I sat with you and your friends."

I rolled my eyes at that and said "Are you kidding me I am pretty sure it's the other way round, you always go quiet when I am around, you even talk to Zaheer who is moody ninety nine percent of time but not me why is that"

"Oh uhmmm well.. I was...I was afraid that if I talked to you directly than you'd catch on that I have crush on you" he answered while blushing brightly.

I chuckled at his embarrassed face and gave him kiss on both his cheek making him turn even redder "Ahh that would've have been so much convenient for both of us."

Once my legs started getting tired I stood up making him stand too. Honestly the moment was way too blissful but it didn't last long as we heard quick knocks on his bedroom door, he just rolled his eyes and said "Kavya" and went to open the door while muttering brat over and over again.

I sat on the bed that was covered in fluffy blanket which was thrown haphazardly probably from his sleep earlier, looking around I noticed that every inch of his room is covered with artwork and not just random sceneries but paintings of his family, siblings, the largest one was just above the headboard of his bed it was a painting of kanan laughing freely with his head thrown back, it was truly mesmerizing, I stood up to look at the paintings closely but the commotion at the door caught my interest.

There at the door Kanan was desperately trying to push Kavya out of the room and close the door but kavya was pushing her way inside the room, so far both were stuck in the same position, half of kavya's body was inside while the other half was trying desperately to push kanan off the door and get in.

Neither of them was getting the upper hand...I shook my head at their antiques...siblings.

"Kanan why don't you let her in"I called out to him.

"Yeah listen to your sugar daddy"kavya said loudly.


"He is NOT my sugar daddy you brat" he hissed at her, making me laugh.

I went over to the door, held kanan by his shoulders making him look at me and I opened the door fully making kavya fall into the room as she was practically lying on the door.

She stood up, dusted the non-existent dust from her clothes and then glared at kanan, who was already glaring at her.

"What do you want brat" he asked her while crossing his arms.

She just rolled her eyes and said "What, I can't spend time with my lovely brother and his boytoy"she said with a sugary sweet voice.

"He is not my....."

There they go again...

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