Chapter 7

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Ryan's POV

The next day while I was getting ready for college, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror, the only reason is that I am embarrassed, embarrassed of what I had done last night.

No,I didn't kill anyone, nor I was caught watching porn. Thank God for that.

The reason is I was on instagram till midnight, now I know this isn't a big deal, people my age go to bed a lot late than that but to someone like me who is way too punctual when it comes to going to bed and waking up early it is a hell lot of big deal.

But this is only a small part of why I am feeling guilty or embarrassed, the real reason of my guilt is that I was looking through kanan's instagram pictures till MIDNIGHT which at that moment didn't phase me but now that I think about it I feel like a stalker.


I am one of those who don't even use their own social media accounts regularly and to stay on somebody else'e account for more than two hours, yep that's definitely stalkerish.

Damn this Kid.

It's only been 24 hours that I have met him and he is affecting my schedule and my brain.

I sighed and continued getting ready.

As Soon as I reached college and got out of my car, Aarti as usual attached herself to my side however she was not talking my ears off which is a shocker.

Suddenly I remembered our talk last night and again unknowingly my mind drifted towards kanan, yep that's the reason that I am feeling ashamed, it's not that I saw ALL his pictures that he has posted online but it's the fact that how I came across his profile.


The pro gay talk with Aarti before I looked at a dude's picture is making me queasy.

Nothing major.



Damn Now in my mind I feel like homophobic asshole.

A sudden poke in my ribs bought me out of my head, Aarti was glaring at me.

"Huh what ..?"is all my brain could come up with.

"I said I am sorry for last night, how long are you going to ignore me "she huffed while rolling her eyes.

I chuckled at her expression and said" I am not mad. Chill out"

She grinned widely at that and added an over exaggerated "COOOOOL"

"Okay I need to go now otherwise I will be late for my class and the Prof. wouldn't accept my report "She huffed and crossed her arms like she couldn't believe that Professors can do that.

I humored her by nodding along then I proceeded to my own class, which to my amazement was empty, I took out my phone to call Sammer who luckily is in the same class, he picked up after the hundredth ring and sounded way too sleepy for this time of the day.

"Hey aren't you coming to class, I cannot find anyone here?" I asked him

"Dude didn't you saw the message, first class got cancelled today because of some reason, that's why I was sleeping" he replied.

Shit.How come I didn't saw the message.

Because you were busy perving on a Kid. My subconscious yelled at me.

He is not a kid. I argued back in my mind.

Oh but you didn't deny that you were perving. My subconscious sort of smirked at me.

I huffed at that.

"Dude..."sameer said.

"Oh sorry, So you won't be coming in today?"I asked him ignoring my rather rude subconscious.

"Yeah, but not before the time for next lecture.K bye goodnight"and he disconnected the call.

That Ass.

So, now I have two hours before next lecture, I don't want to go back home and all my friends have their own classes , well except me and sameer who for sure will not appear until the exact time for next class.

What to do.

Sighing I started walking towards cafeteria , and like déjà vu as soon as I entered someone collided with me putting me in same place like yesterday and this time I didn't have to look for the face to confirm that it was indeed KANAN.

Why must you hate me God.

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