Chapter 8

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**Kanan in pic above**

Ryan's POV

Once I got out of my reverie I steadied myself and Kanan and handed him his bag that was lying on the floor.

Stupid boy can't even handle the bag, I chuckled at the thought.

But I guess my chuckle gave him fright because he was looking at me with those big eyes and was stuttering out apologies non-stop.

"Sorry Sir, boss uhhhhh bossman......."

I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face at his expression which turned into a full blown laughter when his expressions tuned into a full blown pout.

God. He is adorable.

I mean uhmmm Okay looking.

He was looking around with panicked eyes, totally ignoring my own pair.

"Hey"I called him, after I came down from my laughter high."It's okay,no need to panic"

"Uhhhhh"he said sheepishly.

"By the way my name is Ryan,you can just call me that" I extended my hands towards him.

He looked at my hand for a second then extended his own while saying" I am Kanan." I know.

"Uhhh your friend Sameer said to call uhh the seniors uhmmm Boss or something like that" his voice was barely audible.

Right Sameer, that douchebag.

"He was just messing with you, he does it with everyone,don't mind his antiques "I said.

He looked relieved and smiled at me.

White teeth,Good.

"So are you getting late for a class, you were in rush" I asked him.

"Uh no,I actually have two hours before my class starts." He replied.

"Then where were you going "I asked again surprising even myself that I wanted to talk to him more.

He didn't answer right away and I raised an eyebrow at him urging him to answer.

"No actually I was about to grab a bite but uhmmm whole place is packed and I don't uhh know anyone to sit with them" He replied quite shyly.

I rolled my eyes at that and said" Come on then let's get something "

He tried to argue but I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the counter.

" So what do you want" I asked him while taking out my wallet.

"I..I can pay for my food...boss uhh Ryan"he said.

"I know you can, but my treat, consider it as my apology for bumping into you two times"

He looked surprised for a second then smiled and nodded.

He ordered a sandwich and coke while I stuck to my black coffee.

As the place was literally packed to the brim we went outside and sat in the small garden area beside the café.

He started munching right away but as if he felt my stare he looked at me and said" Uhmm do you uhh do you want a bite of the sandwich"

YES, my mind screamed but I said "Nah"

He shrugged and went back to his meal making me smile at his cute behavior.


Well not cute but uhmmm different yeah different behavior.

"So, don't you have a class today "he asked while literally gulping down his sandwich.

But before I could even respond he hastily said"Oh I am sorry,uhmm sorry if I was rude"

Rude Nah.

Cute Yes.

"No its ok,actually my class got cancelled"I replied

He visibly relaxed.

"And what about your class, how come you are so early "I inquired.

"Uhmm the thing is,my mother has this meeting nearby the campus, uhmm so she thought it would be good idea to drop me off along the way and uhmmm..."

Damn.If his looks weren't enough to people to oogle, the adorable way he speaks using way too much uhmms obviously catches attention.

Again why the hell am I complimenting him in my mind.

I am literally fucked.

"So you could have said that you don't have class for couple of hours.."I replied

He turned slightly red, I don't know if it was due to the sun shining in our faces or he was embarrassed.

"Uhmmm actually my mother was out of town for a week so she wanted to spend as much time as possible with me....uh us, so I didn't tell her about the class, I didn't want to upset her "he answered.

Awwwwww, what a Sweetie pie.I could hear Aarti's obnoxious squeal in my head at his statement.

"That is really nice of you"I replied calmly however it was hard not to smile at his adorableness.

He smiled at that, and I couldn't help but get mesmerized by his eyes.

Neither of us broke the eye contact for a minute or so until his phone pinged, that brought us both out of the daze.

"Oh uhmmm, it must be my friend,I uhmm messaged him earlier if he could come by earlier..."he started rambling and fished out his phone from his pocket.

A part of me wanted his friend to bail out on him,Goddamit I just want to talk to the kid once without any hassle and figure out what the hell is going with my mind regarding him.

His face fell as he read the message and he said with a frown "He won't be able to make it before the lecture"

"It's okay I'll keep you company "I replied with a smile.

Guess God do listens to you sometimes.

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