Chapter 25

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**pic above is Ryan**

Kanan's POV

Oh my god

Oh my god.

My heart was beating like crazy I couldn't even bring myself to get my bag that was now lying on the floor.

And when Ryan handed it to me and chuckled I lost it.

Oh God what to say, should I apologize first for colliding into him for the SECOND time or should I thank him first for saving me for the SECOND time.

Apology sounds best.

"Oh my god I am sorry Ry-"oh no I can't say his name ...............yesterday Sameer had told me that all the juniors are supposed to refer seniors as Boss or Sir, which in my opinion is kind of weird but I am not taking any risk, so my stupid mouth stuttered out apologies non-stop.

"Sorry, I am really sorry... uhmm Sorry Sir, boss uhhhhhh bossman...."God this is hard.

I don't know what was so funny about my apology but he started to laugh and not just simple smile but a full blown laugh.

To be honest he looked really good, like really good specially when he was laughing so freely, I avoided looking at him and started looking at anything and everything that wasn't him, don't want him to see me drooling over his attractiveness.

Bad kanan. Bad kanan.

While I was having this internal battle with myself he came down from his laughter high and said "it's okay, no need to panic"

To which my brilliant response was"Uhhhhhhh"

"By the way my name is Ryan, you can just call me that" he said while extending his hands towards me.

I know, even my sister knows.

Well he also knows my name because he was the one to ask for it yesterday so what should I say " Uhhh your friend Sameer said to call uhh the seniors uhmmm Boss or something like that" God damn it Brain why do you always make me look stupid.

"He was just messing with you, he does it with everyone, don't mind his antiques "he replied.

Awww he is so sweet.

"So are you getting late for a class, you were in rush" he asked.

"Uh no, I actually have two hours before my class starts." I replied

"Then where were you going "he asked again.

Oh he is still here, talking to me, which is kind of a shocker considering his behavior yesterday, maybe I overanalyzed, maybe he actually was getting late for class.

"No actually I was about to grab a bite but uhmmm whole place is packed and I don't uhh know anyone to sit with them" I replied while trying not to sound like a pansy.

He shocked me by his next action, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the counter to order food while asking me what I wanted, he even took out his wallet to pay ignoring my request that I could pay for myself.

He said to consider it as compensation that he bumped into me two times.

Well he was so wrong it was the other way round, I bumped into him.

So quite hesitatingly I ordered a sandwich and coke while Ryan ordered black coffee.Yuck.

As the place was literally packed to the brim we went outside and sat in the small garden area beside the café.

While I was eating like a starved person I felt his eyes on me, oh god where are my manners, so I asked him "Uhmm do you uhh do you want a bite of the sandwich"

He denied, thank god because I was way too hungry to even share a single bite.

"So, don't you have a class today "I asked him but then I realized how arrogant I may have sounded, I mean this guy bought me breakfast and here I am trying to get rid of him so I hastily added"Oh I am sorry, uhmm sorry if I was rude"

"No its ok, actually my class got cancelled "Ryan replied

Then he proceeded to ask why I arrived this early if I don't have any class for next two hours, to which quite embarrassingly replied that I came this early just so I could spend some time with my mother.

To which he replied"That is really nice of you"

I caught myself mesmerized by his handsome features, thank god my phone pinged with a new message else he would have noticed my shameless staring.

I clicked on the message from Rahul stating that he won't be able to come early because he had to drop his father at airport.

God damnit. What the hell would I do for TWO hours now?

I told Ryan that my friend won't be able to make it before the lecture.

He smiled and said "It's okay I'll keep you company "

Did he just agree to wait with me?

HE did Didn't he?

Oh my god.

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