Chapter 10

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Ryan's POV

Finally it was the long awaited or dare I say the dreaded day, it was kanan's parents anniversary today.

I have been looking around different shops to find a gift for them, obviously as I have never met them I don't know what to buy , I don't want to give flowers because they are way too cliché and expected.

I finally settled on a set of his and her watch, everyone likes a beautiful watch. Right.

Now that this is done, I need to get home and get ready and I have let's see..... Holy crap only one hour to do so.

Dammit I knew I shouldn't have left the gift for last moment, I should have accepted Aarti's offer yesterday when she, well the whole group went to purchase the gift. Uggggggghhhhhh

As soon as I reached home, I could hear loud chatter and in the living room.Once again it was my mother along with Monica .

Yep Monica she is visiting for a week, her mother had to fly out of town all of a sudden, hence her constant presence in my house, not that I mind.

"Oh Ryan" my mother exclaimed as soon as she saw me"You better get ready else you'll be the last one to arrive to the party"she said.

Monica looked at me then smirked and said "Jeez go on get ready grandma, I am dying to meet everyone."

"You already met everyone yesterday"I countered, reminding her of her shopping trip yesterday with everyone else.

She pouted and said" but I didn't get to meet your new friend uhhhh what's his name uhhhh uhmmmmm"

Please don't say his name.

"Yeah kanan."


"What a sweet name, Aarti told me he is really sweet person."

"By the way why are you ready, you were not even invited to the party "I asked her.

She frowned while throwing off the cushion from the couch at me "Heyyyy I AM invited,aarti was on phone with kanan while we were shopping and she told him about me and he invited me".

Just as I was about to say something my mother looked at me with her stern expression and said "Ryan."
Yes just my name because that is enough to shut me up and scare me off from the pointless banter that Monica and I was about to have.

I huffed and looked at Monica who looked like she won lottery.I went up to my room, took a shower and got ready, as I was slipping on my watch Monica barged into my room.

"Oh my god how long do you take to get ready, this isn't your wedding you bridezillla " She exclaimed.

I chuckled at that and said "let's go."

As I was driving towards Kanan's home I started feeling slightly nervous, I don't know why but I just did.

I parked outside his house and realized it was quite big, from the looks of it you could tell that kanan came from Money but he never showed that off. Hell he still took bus to the college, when he could easily afford a car.

The front gate was wide open so we went inside without the hassle of knocking.The house looked way too grand from the inside.Chandeliers, vases filled with all kind of expensive flowers, amazing artworks.

As I was admiring the interior someone approached us.

"H-Hi Ryan" kanan said


"Oh you must be Monica nice to meet you "He said while noticing Monica by my side.

"Hey kanan, it's really nice to meet you oh and thank you for inviting me."

"Oh it's okay uhmmmmm I ......." but before he could say anything further his phone chirped.

He looked at the caller ID and said"Oh I'm so sorry uh excuse me"

He picked up the call and went away to talk.

Monica exhaled and said" God he is......"



I did not just say that.

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