Chapter 20

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**pic above is of Ryan**

Kanan's POV

The first day of a new school or college is really hard, you really don't know anyone, you have all these wild thoughts about the place, about how rude the people will be specifically to YOU or maybe it's just me.

I was terrified for my first day of college because of how many bullying, ragging stories I've heard, I know that ragging is illegal but people still do it all the time.

So imagine my shock ,where I was afraid of falling in the traps of bullies and nasty seniors but instead I found myself in the arms of a handsome stranger. Literally in his arms.

Rather than shoving me away like I imagined a college kid would do, he literally held me so I wouldn't fall face first on the floor.

I didn't even get enough time to properly admire his handsome features before the seniors that I was running from called out for me, and once again when I had the idea to fled from there that weird group of over friendly seniors stopped me, Sameer the guy from whom I was initially trying to run turned out to be really funny and jokester, the whole group was for some reason hung up on my eyes and dimples, which I think are pretty normal, I mean many people have same color eyes and dimples... so yeah.

They were going on and on about one thing or another up until the guy who saved me for cracking my skull asked, well rather abruptly

"What's your name?"

The smile that came to my face when I looked at him was automatic and in a very calm voice, well I hope I sounded calm because internally I was freaking out, I replied"kanan"

But for some weird reason as soon as I told him my name, HE fled from there stating about some class.

His action obviously startled me, making me go down the assumption lane that I somehow unintentionally ticked him off.

As I was pondering on all the scenarios that may have made him leave that abruptly Aarti dragged me to a table, and uhhmmmm quite forcefully sat me down in chair next to her when I declined her offer politely.

My curiosity was getting best of me and when enough was enough and I couldn't control myself , I asked Aarti who now along with David, were the only two people left on the table as everybody else went to their respective classes.

"Uhhhmmm if you don't mind me uhhhhh aski-asking uhmmmmm" ugggghhhh stupid brain make a proper sentence.

"Ask away"Aarti encouraged me with a smile.

"Oh uhmm what is the I mean who was the guy that helped me on the gate "Finally proper sentence, well sort of.

"Oh that's my friend Ryan"she replied.

Ryan.I recited his name inside my head as if to get a hang of it.


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