Chapter 4

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**I have attached pictures of how I imagine Ryan's friends look like, I have already attached Aarti's picture in the previous chapter**

Ryan's POV

As soon as I reached home I sprawled on my bed without even changing which is like weird for me because if I am out for like more than two hours I have to take a shower as soon as I get home until then I do not even sit on the couch. I got this weird habit from my mom, she is the same, and it drives my father nuts.

But today college made me not only physically exhausted but mentally drained. Everywhere I went Aarti was following me like the little devil she is, talking non-stop about the new kids especially about kanan. The way she talks about him makes me feel like either they would start dating by the end of the week or Aarti will turn into a real psycho well more than she already is and will become full time kanan stalker.

Just as I was about to head to the bathroom my phone vibrated signaling a new message, it was from Monica.

Monica was my one and only girlfriend, well right now ex-girlfriend, we were in the same school, became friends and then dated for like a year and half but then parted ways on mutual terms. She is really sweet which made it really easy to like and date her while really hard to let go, but we both have different goals in our mind, she wanted to be a doctor while I wanted to study business, she got selected in a medical college in next state and that's when we decided to end our relation so that we could both focus on our studies and future without holding the other back, however we are still in contact through calls, messages , video calls but those are not often because of her crazy study schedules.

It was an image and I couldn't help myself and laughed out really loud, this girl. She sent me a picture, which looks like taken in her lab, she is holding a dissecting knife and standing near a already dissected frog or something that is DEFINITELY dissected and the caption on the photo says "YOU NEXT".

I replied with a simple "Ha! You wish, Crazy girl" and then went on for my much overdue shower.

As soon as I stepped out of my bathroom I saw all my idiotic friends sprawled on my bed.

Aarti and Anita watching something on Aarti's phone, David as usual was playing game on his phone, Sameer was inspecting my protein powder box while Zaheer was simply laying there watching the roof as if something interesting is happening there.

Thank god I have the habit of getting dressed in the bathroom else Aarti would have harassed me forever for "Indecent Exposure".

"What are you guys doing here ?" I asked while towel drying my hair.

"We wanted to see that new horror movie everyone is talking about so get ready we need to leave in like ten minutes if we want to make it on time" David said without even looking up from his phone.

I got ready in record time while trying to tune out my friends constant bickering in the background.

We piled in mine and Aarti's car while David was on his beloved bike.

After getting the tickets and a small fight about which snacks are best to be eaten while watching a horror movie we finally made our way towards the theater.

And as I was looking for our seats guess who I saw there.




Son of a bitch. WHY .

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