Chapter 13

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**pic above is my idea of Kavya,kanan's sister**

Ryan's POV


Oh god.

"Why did you say that, I mean uh I like him as a friend, nothing more than that."

"Oh please don't give me that like-him-as-a-friend crap, you know very well that I am not talking about that "Monica huffed.

"Uhhh..." Oh God, brain come up with something.

"You know I should have realized it yesterday, the way you were reacting every time he was mentioned but today your actions just made your intentions clear" she stated.

"My actions?"

"Yeah, the way that your eyes have been following his every move throughout the party, I am surprised nobody else guessed that" She replied.

"No Monica you got it wrong, and by the way Aarti, Anita and you, you three were also looking at him, it means you all like him too, I mean more than friends."I countered.

"Oh please don't use this kindergarten logic with me, there is a difference between appreciating someone's looks and literally stalking someone with your eyes, and you my friend are the stalker here."

Oh shit, what to say now.

"Ryan, hey" she held my hand in hers gently and said"look at me"

"I don't know what to say Monica, I mean I uh do feel some sort of infatuation towards him and this is the first time that I am even saying it out loud, but I am just..."I didn't know how to finish that sentence.

First I was having these weird feelings, and then comes my best friend who happens to be my ex-girlfriend, who catches on my dilemma, oh god what is happening.

"Hey, It's okay, I understand why you are feeling conflicted but you should know that gender should not matter when you like someone" She said in a soothing voice, must be a would be doctor trait.

I chuckled at that.

She looked at me weirdly and said" Come on lets go somewhere private."

She then looked around and started walking and obviously I tagged along.

She stopped to talk to kanan's sister, who pointed towards a door.

Monica nodded and tugged my hand and dragged me towards that door and as she was opening the door I saw kanan look our way, making my heartbeat go up but as soon as he caught my eyes he turned and started talking to his sister.

It was door to their backyard; we went to sit on the fancy looking garden chairs surrounded by various types of flowers.

As soon as we sat down Monica said" okay, so tell me what is going on with you and No I am not talking about your classes and gym I am talking about the whole kanan situation."

I took a deep breath and said" okay so uhhh the thing is, the first day when I met kanan, I was......."

And I told her about how we met, then the movie theater situation, then the day when we sat in café garden and how now he has become a part of my friend circle.

"...So yeah he is with Aarti most of the time in college that means he is around me most of the time, I mean that must be the reason, yeah that's it and to top of that his eyes and that fucking dimple yeah that's it, so...."

Monica cut me off by slapping on my hand.


"Stop rambling Ryan, it's not you" Damn she is getting impatient.

"why don't you just admit that you like him, what's the big deal" she asked while raising her eyebrow at me.

"Why are you so hell bent on me accepting my feelings, if there are even any" I asked her."And aren't you supposed to be jealous of someone I like and scare them off considering you are my ex-girlfriend"

She laughed so loud, I am sure all the guest inside must've heard her.

She calmed down and said "Oh my god Ryan, what kind of soap opera are you watching nowadays that's feeding you this bullshit, and FYI,I am not one of those story book jealous ex who try to ruin everybody's love life"

"Yeah you are right "I said.

Maybe I am just delaying the main topic here, maybe I am just too afraid to admit that I like him.

Yes,that's the truth.

I like kanan.

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