Chapter 3

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**pic above is my idea of Aarti**

Ryan's POV


Wow! Even his name sounds like music or maybe it's just the way he speaks urgggghhh what the hell , first eyes then dimples and now this freaking musical voice along with the sweet name that just suits him the perfect way. I just can't take it anymore it's getting on my nerves and I am not completely sure if it's bad or not.

So, to avoid this unnecessary hype about this kid I need to get out of here right now. Period.

"Hey I am going to be late, my class starts in five so see you all later" and before anyone could register my words and reply I literally fled from there.

As soon as I reached my class I took a much awaited and required deep breath and went on with my lecture however the uneasy feeling is still there I don't know what is it but I know for sure that it is related to that kid, have I seen him somewhere, do I know him, I don't think so because his eyes are not something you could forget. Here I go again. Well maybe it's just his eyes and the fact that he look like a school kid well technically he was a high schooler up until last year, yeah so finally it's settled, his eyes are making me queasy.Stupid boy. Before I could dwell more on the matter the lecture was over and hopefully the dilemma that I was into earlier.

Maybe I am just hungry yeah that's it. I speed walked towards the café and made a beeline towards the counter but not before checking if any of my friends or that junior that must not be named was there, thankfully they were not.

After getting my lunch I finally found an empty spot and as I was about to enjoy my meal in bliss of peace it was once again ruined by Aarti. The Peace-breaker.

"HEYYYYYYYYYY I knew you would start eating without waiting for any of us,Hungry pig" I just rolled my eyes at her antiques She already know her lame ass insults do not phase me or my appetite. She just huffed at my carelessness and without missing another beat opened her chatter box I mean mouth "you know after you left kanan said..."

No, don't talk about HIM.

Not again.

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