Chapter 17

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I find it cute that Isabelle is concerned for me. She is worried about where I am going. It is really sweet, but this mission doesn't concern her. She will find out soon enough what I'm planing to do. I don't doubt at all once it happens it will be all over the news. How can't the murder of this town most powerful person not be on the news.

Father never left this city for some reason. Now he has a big tower downtown, and I know that's where he works. I also know where he lives, and his personal life. He got married again, not sure if I have half siblings, I could care less about them. I'm not going to kill them, I only want the bastard that betrayed me. I drive my bike downtown and park it in a dark place and lock it. Even if some thief tried to take the bike it won't budge.

After I'm done with my bike I disappear into the shadows. I move to the front of the building. There isn't a security guard, the elevator is right there, and there are two security cameras here. I look outside the building and see there is some sort of buzzer. Looking closer I see another camera in the buzzer. Oddly there is only one button.

A woman comes up to the buzzer. Just from a glance I can tell she is a streetwalker. She doesn't see me of course, but she looks in my direction. I can already tell that she isn't a usual costumer. She pressed the button and waited a few seconds. The thing buzzed and the door opened. The woman smiles and walks in. I follow her in and get in the elevator. She presses the button for the 10th floor and the elevator begins it the ascent to the floor.

The woman checks her makeup and her outfit as we go up. I wonder if this woman is a usual. Right now it is after hours, it is the perfect time to have an affair. Obviously this isn't the woman you want to take home to your mother's house, so she is here to service someone's needs. The elevator stops at the 10th floor. She gets out and struts down the hallway. I follow close behind her. She stops at an office and opens the door. I go in the room and siting on the desk is my father.

His black hair has some grey running through it, he still looks evil. Actually he looks exactly the same. My stomach knots up and my fist tighten. I haven't seen him since I was three, now that he is standing right there all I want to do is make him suffer. I want to kill him.

"Hey baby." The woman approaches him. He licks his lips before kissing his slut hard. When he breaks the kiss he holds her close to him by her butt.

"No one saw you?"

"Of course not. No one is here after hours remember?" Father smiles and lifts up her skirt and slams her down on his desk. I turn my back and clench my teeth. He can't even be loyal to his wife now. I'm not surprised at all though. He is just that sick. I leave the building and look up at the tenth floor. Just inferring from what I've seen he must be here every night so he can fuck his mistress. Out of my curiosity. I head back up to my father's office. I believe he must have his will somewhere so I start looking for it through his drawers it's not like he's paying attention at the moment.

After looking through a few of the drawers I come across his will. It is a pretty sick document I wonder who does he have that is so important. When I look through the document I see that he has all of his money going to a woman called Diana Worths. And I know for fact this woman is not his wife his wife's name is Amy Orton. This bastard left nothing for his wife or his kids at all, and I know he has kids because I see pictures of them on his desk. I look at the last page and I see that there is $200,000 left to my mother's parents, with it a note.

The note reads "I know I haven't talk to you in a while. But I believe it's time I said I'm sorry. I am sorry about the loss of your daughter and the loss of your granddaughter I was so crushed that I could not talk to you. I wish that you can understand my pain and the pain that we shared together. You have lost a loving daughter and adorable granddaughter and I am so sorry that you have to hear my words this way. I really do miss Maya and I miss little Soliel with all my heart. All I wish is that they come back to us but, we will see them in heaven one day. Now I go to see them, and we will be waiting for you to come join us in heaven. With love your son-in-law Jacob."

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