Chapter 30

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She didn't come back. She hasn't been back in two days, and that could only mean one thing. Raven captured her, and she might be...

"Izzy. Isabelle. Tomorrow is your birthday. We have to take you to the light realm now."

"No! We have to wait for Soleil!" Angelina sighs as she takes her hand in mine.

"Izzy I'm sorry, but you might have to accept that she might be dead."

"Don't say that! She's not gone, Raven wouldn't do that to her." Dove sighs and picks me up from the couch by my shoulders.

"Listen to me! Raven would do that! She's a cold and cruel woman that cares for no one! I know that she would do something like this to Soleil. Now I'm sorry that you've lost her, but she died protecting you! You can't waste her sacrifice by dying. Please Isabelle, don't let her last few months of life be all in vain." The tears fall down my eyes. Dove is right, if she is dead then I can't die. No matter how badly I want to.

"She's the only person who ever loved me like that you know?" Dove nods and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back tightly. If Soleil really is dead what will I do. The plan was to be in the light realm together. She was going to teach me how to fly. She was going to teach me so much. If she is gone all of our dreams together are gone. Everything has been taken away from me. Everything is numb, nothing's right. How can the sun come up without Soleil?

"Isabelle. We're leaving at noon. Let's just try to go to school okay?" They're right. I'm going to have to deal with this. I may be in a place where all goodness in the world dwells, but I will be the most miserable angel in the light realm. As I give my submissive nod my protectors take me to school. All that time I hoped that I would hear Soleil's motorcycle speeding up behind us. I just want her. Nothing or no one has ever made me feel so alive. I've never been happier before I met her.

Dove pulls into the parking lot. Angelina insist that I get out. I do as she says. I truly feel like there is no power in me. I feel as weak as I did when the school year started. Dove and Angelina had to drag me around majority of the morning. Like always they escort me to class then go to theirs. The problem with that was these were classes I had with Soleil. It only made the pain worse. She could be dead, but I still have the feeling that she's alive, she has to be. Angelina said that the darkness has gotten stronger, but so has the light. And it happened the night Soleil left. She has to be alive, but I know Raven had to do something horrible to her.

Knowing what she has done in the past my poor Soleil is probably beaten half to death. There are so many things that could have happened to her, and none of them are pleasant. That evil woman could have done so much, hopefully Soleil is okay. They day dragged on and noon eventually came. My sadness could be smelled by every angel around the world. Today was going to be happy, but it's just become horrible.

"Common Izzy. We'll go back to your house, pack a bag, say goodbye to your dad, and leave okay?" In the middle of a nod I feel a cold rush dance up my spine. The sensation breathes life back into me, only one person makes me feel like that. Quickly turning around I see her. She doesn't look battered and abused at all. She looks just as perfect when she left, but in those grey eyes something has changed. I find myself in a split second wrapping my arms around her torso burring my face into her chest sobbing uncontrollably. I feel her arms wrap around me in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Iz. I'm so sorry." I look up from her chest and immediately her lips are on mine. I kiss her back eagerly. When we part I put my head back on her chest. She's a little colder than usual, but still something's off.

"Soleil." Angelina says almost in shock, "Please tell me she didn't." I look back to Soleil. She sighs deeply and nods.

"I couldn't stop her, but my heart still belongs to Isabelle." I furrow my eyes in confusion.

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