Chapter 11

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Iz and I came back to her house around 11. She fell asleep on my back as we flew over the puffy clouds. I wore her out today at the Oasis. We pretty much went everywhere in that beautiful heaven. Then we went to a great feast in the temple. Isabelle was so happy and full, mostly because of that wine. I can tell she hasn't ever drunk a drop of alcohol in her life. She had to have four glasses of wine. Poor Isabelle she was beyond hammered, and I was making sure that I kept my hands to myself.

I wanted to take her up into one of the rooms so bad and douse my undying affection on her. But I knew I couldn't do that. If Raven smelled that she would string me up by my toes. When we get to the porch a cradle her in my arms. She snuggled up into me, her cute face was so peaceful. Smiling down at her I gently kick the door a few times. After a split second the door flies open. Nick stands in the doorway with a look of relief on his face.

"Where the hell have you been with my daughter!?" She scolds me. I shake my head and move him aside with my shoulder. Isabelle stirs in my arms a little then settles down when I hold her tighter in my arms. I make it up to her room. I lay Isabelle down on her bed, her arms are still tightly secured around my neck. She is a real hugger in her sleep. I smile to myself as I pry her off me. Softly I kiss the top of her ear then move my lips down to her ear.

"I had fun today sunshine. I'll try to come over tomorrow if I'm not too beat up." I kiss her head gently. When I turn to leave Nick is there.

"Where were you two."

"At the Oasis. Two dark angels tried to kill her today, and I got her out of there."

"Why would you protect her from your own kind?" He crosses his arms and waits for me to say something. I scowl at him and shake my head.

"Because I can do what I please. And fact is I-I.... I care about her. No matter what I am, no matter what I do, the fact that I care will never change. Now if you excuse me Nick." I  push him out my way and run out the back door and fly off into the darkness of night. I don't even bother to get my bike, I'll get it when I want.

I don't just care about Izzy, I... dammit I fucking love her! I'm imprinted on her, and it just happens to be love. It's not just my imprint, its so much more about Isabelle that makes me love her. She is kind, sweet, caring, loving, and she is so innocent, and not just in that way. You can see her innocence in her eyes, its the innocence of a child. Her eyes still see the wonder in everything she sees. Magic is still very real to her, and it makes me envious. I never had that magic or wonder in my childhood, but I'm glad she still does.

When I get near the dark gates I quickly swoop down cause a pair of light angels were flying by. My soul was itching to kill them both, but something else is telling me not to. It is like a faint cry, begging me not to hurt, not to kill. Am I adapting morals now. As I walk to the dark gates Raven burst out and pulls me into a bear hug.

"Soliel!" She breathlessly said. Then her green eyes darted up from my shoulder and she hit my chest a few times.

"You ass! I thought something happened to you! Two newborns that I sent to your school haven't returned, and you and the girl were no where to be found! Where the hell were you?!" She gave me a look already know I was with Isabelle.

"I was swimming with Isabelle. We just cut class. Class is for chumps anyway." Raven smirks and kisses my lips.

"Your highness!" Alexander flies up with another angel. His face is very grim, sorrow fills his eyes.

"We found them." Is all he said. Raven tugged on my hand and her big black wings come out from her back. We flew behind Alexander to a deep part of the dark wood. There in a tree, the two newborns hung. Completely mutilated, and bare. The wings from both boys were torn off and hanging on the trees next to them, their throats were cut and their bodies hung upside down. I reenactment of one of my more vicious kills.

"Is this all?" Raven said getting a closer look. Alexander shook his head and pointed behind the trees. Raven and I walk to the back of the tree, Raven gasp but I stay silent. Carved into the tree then sprawled in blood was another prophesy. Worse of all it was the prophesy of light converting the dark.

'The one born of mortal and angel will change the heart of the dark queen's heart. In doing so the queen's heart will return to its original light, and will never belong to the dark queen again.' Fury seeps from Raven's body as she destroys the tree with one mighty punch. The tree crashes to the ground sending birds flying in the chilling air.

"Get rid of the bodies!" She yells at Alexander and the other dark angel. They quickly scurry to get the bodies and leave. I take a look at the shards of bark on the forest floor. Raven is fuming at the thought of loosing her heart to the demi angel. And I finally understand what her heart, more like who her heart is.

 The heart that the prophesies are talking about is me. It said I would return to my original light. What original light? I have always been a dark angel, that was what I was meant to be in the first place. But I think that means that Isabelle will make me fall for her, which she has, and I'll leave Raven for her which I will. And Raven is so attached to me, that can only mean that she has fallen for me. Too bad for her, I love Isabelle.

"Let's go home honey." She purrs in my ear. Her husky voice send irritating shivers down my spine. I nod and we fly back to the dark realm. We don't stop flying until we make it to her balcony. I stay outside about to go to my room when she calls me.

"Stay with me tonight." I bow my head in submission then fly into her room. Raven starts to strip out her dress and walks to her bed. She stares back at me and pats the stop next to her. I nod my head and come sit next to her. Before I could sit down she pulls me down on her bed and straddles my hips.

"Raven please not tonight. I beg you not tonight." Raven grins down at me then proceeds to take off my clothes. I try to get up but she shoves me back down.

"Don't you try to fight me. You should know that you can't fight me, and should know that you will be punished." Raven smiles darkly down at me and proceeds to kiss on my neck.

"You'll never leave me right baby?" She whispers in my ear. I shake my head no.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"And what about that girl, the half breed, do you love her?" Every part of my body wanted to say yes, but I shook my head again.

"She is a light angel in the end, there is no way I could love her." Raven smirks then connects our lips together.


Our long exhausting night ends tangled in eachother's embrace and I hated every second of it. Raven left hickeys all on my body along with love bites, scratches, and a few bruises.

"Does she turn you on?" Raven ask me out of the blue. I look down at her and her green eyes stare right back at me.

"No, she frustrates me with her innocence. I don't want her though." Raven chuckles dryly.

"Yes you do, by how much of her lips I can taste on your lips, you really like her." I roll my eyes and let her hold me tighter in my arms.

"I just want all of this to be over already. But I think to make that one prophesy stop we should-"

"Bond?!" I cut her off nearly screaming in bewilderment. Bonding of light is the same as werewolves mating! But bonding is much worse, if I were to bond my light with Raven's I would be hers forever, and if either of us ever died, we would be screwed.

"No, no, I... Never mind go to sleep." Raven turned her body around and didn't turn back. God I hope she doesn't want to bond. I want to bond with Isabelle. Now that I know she is an angel I'll just wait for her wings to come out. I have to put my mark on her wing then I'll have to have sex with her to make sure the bond seals. I'll just hope that Raven doesn't want to bond with me. Not only would I be her sex slave, I would be her love slave. Once she would bond with me I would be attached to her completely, never again to be my own person. God what a nightmare!    

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