Chapter 19

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That horrible scene I just saw still lingered in my head. The blood, the bruises, then obvious pain in her eyes when I touched her. Soleil looked like something out my nightmares. She looked awful, Dove compared to Soleil just had a little cut. I'm surprised that Soleil got here without passing out from loss of blood.

My mind raced with thoughts of what could have happened to her. All thoughts brought me to hysterical tears. I wanted her to stay so bad. She is hurt and doesn't need to go back to that horrible realm of hers. This has to be something Raven did to her! What I've been hearing about her must be true. She is a evil woman with no heart! There is no type of compassion or love in her empty chest. I feel sick to my stomach thinking that this revolting woman would do this to my girlfriend and my best friend. I walk back into my room and Angelina is cleaning Dove's wounds.

"What happened?" Dove pants as Angelina cleans out a deep cut.

"I was ambushed while I was at the store. They beat me up, blindfolded me, gagged me, then took me to the arena."

"The arena?" Dove nods, Angelina speaks for her.

"Raven's personal playground of death. She makes angels play gladiator, including Soleil. Soleil always has the honor of killing the light angel, that was Dove." I sit next to Dove while Angelina starts to stitch her up.

"How did Soleil rescue you?" Dove looks at me and closes her eyes.

"It was amazing. I thought she was going to kill me, I was yelling at her to do it too. She snapped or something and she. . . she."

"She what?" Dove shakes her head looking down at her hands in disbelief.

"She froze time. The entire realm was frozen including Raven. It was amazing. Every dark angel was frozen. Even the ones that were scouting outside the dark realm. Soleil's powers are really strong. I don't even think she knew that she could do that." Dove rubs the back of her head then grunts when Angelina touches a gash.

"Oh shut up you big baby." She carefully cleans out the wound then starts to stitch it up.

"The danger is only going to grow from here." Angelina's eyes flash up to Dove, then her eyes make their way over to me. She stares at me for a while then she sighs deeply.

"I hate doing this." She grumbles. Angelina slowly stands up and walks over to me. I try to study her, but her intention isn't clear. She takes my hand and closes her eyes. She just holds it for a few minuets then opens her eyes.

"Her angel is overpowering the human. Its slow, but its certain that the angel is there. She's still human enough for me to do this."

"Do what?" Angelina sighs then leads me to the bed.

"Dove and I need to talk in private. I'm going to have to put you to sleep."  Angelina sits me down then puts her hands on my head.

"Angelina this isn't going to-"


Before Izzy could finish Angelina knocked her out. Isabelle feel back limply on the bed, she be back up in a few hours. Angelina turns back to me and crosses her arms.

"What are you mad about?" Angelina storms over to me and hits me in the chest over and over.

"You should have let me go with you! If I had you wouldn't be hurt!" Tears starts to fall from her eyes. I automatically feel guilty. I don't ever mean to hurt Angelina, I hate seeing her like this. It's just that I knew that I was a replacement protector for a while now, but I didn't know that I was the replacement for Soleil. I originally thought that the other that was meant to be her protector died, but nope it is the person I have hated for years.

"I'm sorry Angie. I'm really sorry, I don't mean to do these things. Its not my fault that those dark angels were looking for trouble." Her head snaps up at me and she smacks my arm hard.

"You can't just go off looking for trouble, you should have just ran! It's a high possibility that we might loose Isabelle. I am willing to except that. . . but I can't loose you. Not you, I won't be able to handle it. Izzy would be hard enough, I couldn't loose you." She hugs me tightly and I hug her back no matter how much pain I am in. This is my partner, my best friend, and my girl. She's right, she's always right, but some things I do are to protect her and Isabelle. Isabelle would be a horrible loss of my friend. Angelina that would be the lost of the only girl I ever loved. I couldn't be able to handle it. Softly as I could I kiss her. She is resistant at first, but she does kiss me back. Our lips part and I sigh.

"I love you Angie. I promise you I'm not going to hurt you anymore."

"And I promise not to scold you as much when you do something stupid." I chuckle and give her another hug.

"That's going to be impossible for you." Angelina gives me a glare before pecking my lips again. I look back over at Isabelle sleeping peacefully on the bed. We plan to tell her about us, but right now isn't a good time.

"I'm tired, let's go to bed. We can talk to Nick about Isabelle and Soleil in the morning." I agree with Angelina and we make our way to the bed. Angelina tucks Isabelle in then a light appears in the room. Out of the bright light steps Queen Eve.

"Please don't get up." She says stopping Angelina and I from getting up and bowing to her. Eve makes her way over to the bed and sits on the edge where Izzy is sleeping. Eve smiles down at her daughter and strokes her white hair gently.

"Soleil saved you tonight." Eve said not taking her eyes off Isabelle, "Now do you trust her?" Eve's eyes leave Isabelle and connect with mine. My mouth opens and closes, no words could pass through my lips. Eve smirks then looks back at Izzy.

"Don't bother talking to Nick, I'll do it. Goodnight ladies."  Eve leans down and kisses Isabelle's head.

"Goodnight my dear, I can't wait until we can meet in person." Slowly Eve gets up and leaves the room. We stare after her for a while then we snuggle up with Isabelle and go to sleep. I know Izzy must be having a dream about Soleil, all I hope is that it's a good one. I had Soleil wrong for the past few months, not before then cause she was evil. She has changed because of Isabelle. She has changed for the better, and she saved me. I owe her my life I owe her big time. One day I'll repay her.


My eyes flutter open. I'm back in my room on my bed, my entire body is numb with pain. Everything hurts, nothing feels okay. I try to sit up but my abdomen hurts way too much.

"Don't try to get up Soleil. That light angel almost killed you tonight." I turn my head and see Raven sitting on the edge of my bed. She looks at me then at my body. I look down at myself, most of me is covered in bandages. My entire chest is bandage and my abs where Dove sliced me. Raven scoots closer and gently puts my head in her lap.

"What happened?" Raven smirks and strokes my hair.

"That angel did something to all of us, somehow she immobilized us and then tried to kill you." Raven strokes my hair as she looks off out my balcony, "I'm going to find that little bitch. I'll find her and I'm going to make her pay." I sigh and try to move out of her lap. Raven keeps me there, I would have tried again but I'm too hurt.

"I'm staying with you tonight. I won't leave you after what has happened tonight, so don't even bother to persuade me otherwise." A slight nod signals my submission. Raven smirks then takes my head out her lap then lays next to me. She says nothing, all she does is hold me in her arms whispering things to me and kissing my neck. It bothers me to no end. I hate being helpless, I am not some helpless little girl! I am trained killing machine! I can take down anyone I want when I feel like. I can never be weak. I can't be weak in front of Isabelle, Raven, nobody!

The weakness in my heart must be ripped out, because if I am to kill the man that helped in my creation I should have no mercy. I must have no mercy, no compassion, no sign of regret. I must be strong and do this for the better. It will be for the better when that horrible bastard is taken out the world. When I look him in his eyes, when I torture him, and finally when I end his miserable life I must be ruthless. More than ever I hate my dark angel side, but she needs to help me. I'm not as I was at the beginning of the school year. In a sense I have become weak, I've become a light angel. I will give in to the light side, but for the time being the darkness must take over my soul.

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