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Lila Barton's life is kept from the entire world. She's the daughter of the master assassin, Clint Barton and his wife, Laura Barton. For her whole life, she's been isolated from the whole world. No one knows of her existence; except for the ones who kidnapped her.

For the few survivors that have ever seen Lila Barton, she is a ghost story uttered from the mouths of those who have heard the tale of the second, and far worse, winter soldier

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For the few survivors that have ever seen Lila Barton, she is a ghost story uttered from the mouths of those who have heard the tale of the second, and far worse, winter soldier. With over a thousand kills, slim to none scars from her enemies, and only a single unsuccessful mission; her outcomes make Bucky Barnes look like Robbin Hood.

Lila was abducted by HYDRA at the age of six. While her father and his super hero gang were busy defeating Ultron in Sokovia, HYDRA sought the opportunity and snatched her from her front yard. It was a simple abduction; Lila had been playing in the front yard and Laura had stepped inside. She stopped watching her daughter on the front porch for a few minutes, to move the clothes to the wash, and in those five minutes her daughter had been taken away.

Those simple five minutes turned into a decade of following clues and false leads for Clint and Laura Barton.

For Lila, however, would spend the next years of her life in a hidden location, where HYDRA would experiment on kids, trying to find the perfect child to mold into the next winter soldier. It wasn't long before they saw that Lila was the perfect child for what they needed.

Days blurred into years while doctors poked and prodded her adolescent body until they finally recreated their greatest creation. With the help of the Extremis Virus, and Aldrich Killian's research they gave Lila the abilities of super human strength and reflexes paired with regenerative abilities along with the ability to heat up her body and other objects on command. After seeing what she is capable of the doctors thought it only be right to deem her the name Red Chaos.

Unlike Bucky, she was denied the infinity formula, allowing her to age, but was still trained for a hundred hours a week of lethal training, weapon skills, and hand-to-hand combat. And unlike the first winter soldier, her hair had mysteriously transformed from brown to white over night, and seemed to glow whenever she engaged in using her super-abilities. HYDRA trained Lila until even the armed guards couldn't stop her from killing her opponent that dared to face her in sparring. She was given a safe word to virtually put her in a sleep mode, which was only to be used if she were in danger to herself or important personal only. Sleep mode indicated she would take orders with no remorse or second guess.

Meanwhile, her father continued to search for his daughter during his break from being a super hero. At the age of sixteen, Lila is no longer the child Clint had been searching for over a decade, she is an assassin without a brain. She never thinks, she simply kills.

Eventually she makes the first decision for herself in a decade; she decides to escape from the clutches of HYDRA. Red Chaos is no longer a secret; she is introduced to the world and The Avengers - including the cheeky new spider boy who can climb on walls and can't get enough of the chaotic new girl with glowing hair.

An Assassin Without A Brain ₁→ PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now