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Even though HYDRA had prepared me for all the worst situations imaginable, I was still beyond petrified when I woke up, knowing I had been apprehended

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Even though HYDRA had prepared me for all the worst situations imaginable, I was still beyond petrified when I woke up, knowing I had been apprehended. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the lights, and the fact that I was somewhere that wasn't the familiar secret base that I knew all too well. There were four glass walls around me, I had only enough space to stand up and the length of my cage was the wingspan of both my arms. My body felt heavy, I could tell that they had sedated me, for how long, I wasn't sure. My neck was sore from the injection and although my eyes stayed open, they wanted so desperately to fall shut.

Fight it, I encouraged myself as my head tapped back against the glass. I continued to knock my head against the glass until I didn't feel like nodding off. I set my hands against my face then lowered them onto the ground. My weak hands pushed me up to standing position. I leaned against the glass wall and faced a man with a shiny suit on and tinted glasses. He was squinting at me, trying to read me. I looked passed him and saw that I was in an empty concrete room, there were two guards by the doors. I had been captured.

"I thought they were kidding. You're just a kid." He spoke a little quick, as if he were making mental notes. My eyes followed him as he walked up to the glass, to get a better look of me, "but you know how to fire a gun which means someone taught you how, which means you're some sort of assassin, which means I don't have to feel bad for you. And you were sent here to kill Barnes? Am I right?"

I kept my mouth shut. I knew better than to answer

The man snapped his fingers, "hey, can you speak? Words? Yes, no?"

I looked around the room again, I had no idea where I was. This room that I was in could be at the bottom of the ocean for all I knew. I had incredibly screwed up this time. HYDRA was going to kill me if I didn't die in this cell first. My heavy legs folded back onto the ground and I leaned my head back against the glass wall letting the sinking fear of defeat swallow me up.

"Okay, let's skip the very useful interrogation. Friday, give me a run down."

My eyes shot open and looked at the man who seemed unable to stop speaking. I was the only other person in the room.

"My name isn't Friday." I finally allowed myself to speak. Seeing as though I was going to die, it only seemed fit to break the rules.

The sound of my voice must've surprised the man because he was taken aback and his eyebrows rose up, only slightly, as if he didn't want to show how impressed he was. "No, it is not. According to the government you have no name." He looked down at me, taking his glasses from off his face, "you don't even exist. You're some sort of secret. Who are you?"

An Assassin Without A Brain ₁→ PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now