Memories of a Phantom

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Danny's P.O.V.

I have been stuck with the Guys in White for a while now. It all started with a normal day patrolling alone in Amity until the searing blast came at me. I woke up here chained but most of all I feel cold...


I think it may have to do with no socialization for about four months now. I think about my old family no not the Fentons, the Graysons. We were the best acrobats in the world.

...Until they died.

I know my older twin granted a couple minutes, but time is time I guess I learned that from Clockwork. No matter how much pain I may go through time will keep going either a healing factor or a killer to life. I am only holding on to time currently, hoping, waiting, and trying to stay sane for times passing of escape or rescue.

...At least I hope.

The glowing green cuffs around my wrists digs into my flesh with every movement. The dripping of the ectoplasm across of me from another ghost echoing in my ears as the form flickers. Thick and sticky blood all over my shirt as my ghost form weakens forcing me mortal. Sounds, smells, and thoughts surrounding me constantly until the next experiment. Cold for now in this empty room with the ghost passing on, but once they come the white fiery feeling finds me everytime. The rattles of the chains distract me as I look up. What else can they do to me mental pain, dissection, forcing my obsession against me.

All of that already happened what else can they make me lose.

My memories?

I surely hope not or I will be nothing but a form of ectoplasm with no will. Sparks of Richard, my mother, father, and even adopted family comes to mind.

Dick and I playing hide and go seek with our cousin.

Richard called a flying Robin by mother and I a Sparrow flying together with perfect harmony darting with such grace mother said swans even would be jealous.

Karla and Rick helping me as I fell down due to my clumsiness not the best trait for an acrobat. My brothers shining blue eyes like heaven itself, they do say a person's eyes are the gateway to the soul. If that is true my brother is an angel.

I wonder if I am an angel too with wings as pure and elegant.

The ropes falling as times slows with my brother yelling while our parents reach out hoping to embrace once again.

Bones breaking with screams of terror from the audience.

Running away before they separate me from my brother, but they won we both never seen each other again.

Sam's loving lavender leading personality with a fierce side to fight for the ones who can not fight for themselves.

Like me.

Building a new life as Daniel Fenton with an older sister instead and caring parents.

I got to experience a family again.

Love for someone as I think of Sam.

Knowing a friend will always have your back like Tucker.

Even my English teacher Mr. Lancer impacted my life with his lessons of courage of the brave and bold who dared to go further with ideas and the impossible to reach.

Maybe I can still reach mine.

Also, the popular kids teaching me a lesson I will never forget.

Choosing by popularity is not true friends, they would turn like a pack of wolves on an injured if money vanishes from their unreaching grasps.

Like Valerie.

I wonder if my brother has a new family, someone to love, or even a friend there always, but out of everything I wonder...

Am I forgotten and erased.

Nothing but a legend told to kids.

A post human conscience of a ball of ectoplasm with evil intents.

Is that me?

The Fentons and Sam and Tucker are gone they were there when the sadistic scientists captured me I watched them crumble as their life drained.

Lifeless like my parents as I screamed and begged for them to stand once more, they didn't.

Swirling memories batter my dying mind as I shatter slowly.

I would even be bursting with happiness if Vlad came I now know he will not show.

Climbing, reaching, fighting everyday I wonder if Dick is too.

Clockwork once told me to never give up and look at the speck of light in the overbearing black I wonder if he means this moment. I look up to see the ghost I never knew fade away forever.

He will never be forgotten as long as I stand. The red depths of his eyes engraved in my memory, the black hair stringing down with defeat as the red hood contrasts with his pasty skin and black pants. The ghost I will never know the name of as the ectoplasm runs out with a small glance to me with a bit of relief as the pain ends forever.

I did not even know his name and now I never will.

I will keep the memory alive like the rest of them.

I hope.

The dripping ceased as the glowing pile stays in a puddle for the scientists to study.

Like my blood and ectoplasm.

Red lights invade my vision as the room glows with the ember colors against the green and grey. Loud sounds seem to be everywhere as I want them to end.

Maybe someone came?

I doubt it I now realize maybe I just need to except the fact-

...No one is coming.

There is no Superman to come save the day.

Am I a hero still, was I ever considered a hero?

The red flashes and goes in in a rhythm with the high pitch screeching noise. I look down at the dark with splashes of luminescent green and darkening red cold cement. I think only one sentence over and over in my mind replaying like a broken record screaming to be heard.

Please come for me.

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