Eyes filled with pain

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Valerie's P.O.V.

I cannot believe this. This can't be happening this can't be!

The eyes that haunted me to the very core was also the eyes of a boy that seemed so innocent.

This is nothing I was ever prepared for.

Green clashing with blue...

Ghostly white mixing with raven black...

Sickly glowing ectoplasm moving with the crimson blood...

Two Danny's one hated and the other loved.

If I could sense my surroundings I would feel the air grow chilling as the half ghost stared at me

nervous with the ache of fear.

"Uh, Val?"

It is too good to be true

It is a lie

All ghosts must lie

Even Danny may have been corrupted by the poisonous ways

The sweet revenge is far too tempting...

The look on his face made me flush with both agony and love

I am drowning in either lies or truth

Danny's P.O.V.

The lack of response was utterly unnerving even to me. I swear the situation is killing me to a

slow death to the ghost zone.

Tearing me piece by piece with every glance of fear from her.

I still love her...

I still do not know what she is thinking rather it is good or bad.

I kept her Red Huntress a secret and gave her some peace I just hope she will do the same for

me even is she hates me.

I wish I could have lived a normal life then these powers coming to me in a swirl of deep pain.

Nothing can bring back the past not even Clockwork without disrupting the time stream itself

before it caves in.

All powerful beings are not all powerful is my lesson learned after I encountered Clockwork,

Dan, and Pariah Dark.

Nothing is powerful not me, not Val, and neither was my family.

I guess we all fall down eventually I smirk silently as Valerie glanced up for once.

I am tired of all the secrets all around me they are everywhere...

Val and her Huntress

My brother and Robin

Myself and my thoughts

Lies all lies.

No one's P.O.V.

The air was eery even for the town flooding with the dead entities.

The group of teenagers was unsure what to do for the situation of the other two.

One angered, another frightened, and both lost.

Wispy clouds gathered above shielding them from the light making the source of a light fade a


"You're not Danny you may be Phantom, but you are not Danny!" Valerie finally screamed with

unshed tears as Danny looked to the side.

"Damn it Danny, what about Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and your parents did that not effect you like I

thought it did, or are you emotionless like any other spook?"

"Don't speak of them!" Danny grounded out as his eyes flashed and teeth clenched.

"Sam she loved you or are you too clueless, Tucker he was jealous of you, Your parents were

always too obsessed with ghosts to notice, and Jazz was always worried about you. How can

you be so clueless about how people are!"

"Maybe I am too trusting."

"Perhaps you are a lower observant than Dash!"

"Yeah, well maybe you are as shallow as Paulina!"

"I guess once someone dies their heart dies along with them." Valerie muttered angry at her

ex-friend, friend, enemy? she did not even know what he was anymore.

"I am sorry Val."

"You should be!" She yelled her voice hoarse as the air got a lot colder.

Danny had a blue wisp come from his mouth looking alarmed.

"Hello little badger."

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