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Danny's P.O.V.

It has been a week since I have been here as the recovery has been terribly boring. I met Rocket although being she was done with her mission with Icon a bit ago. I got up with a bit of an ache thankful my powers healed me for the most part. As I twisted the doorknob my azure eyes wondered finally landing on my new team.

"Baywatch, stop gulping your food down it is disgusting!"
"Black Canary wishes to train us right after breakfast." Aqualad said in his formal yet stern voice.

"Hello, Danny!" M'gann said greeting me with a bright smile.

"Good morning." I said smiling back at them all. I do not even remember the last time I actually had a real smile.

"How was your sleep?" Robin asked looking at his wrist computer typing something.

"It was fine." I say thinking how it is the only good sleep I had for a long time.

"Team, Black Canary is ready to start our training." Kaldur says as everyone enters the training room.

"Good morning team." She says as with her hands behind her back with a straight posture reminding me of Vlad a bit.

"Danny, Kid Flash, and Artemis are you guys alright now?" She says her eyes narrowing.

"Yes, my healing kicked in a while ago!" Kid Flash said excitedly while flexing.

"My injury was not that bad the medications helped the burn." Artemis said as her ponytail swished to the side as she stretched glaring at the speedster.

"And your response Danny?" She said with her hands on her hips now reminding me of Sam.

"Uh, I have a healing factor too." I said rubbing the back of my neck hoping she will not have a glare like Sam's.

"Why don't you three start this training exercise today against me." She said scowling but her eyes showed amusement.

"Anything you say I will do." Kid purred which disgusted me.

"Shut up, moron!" Artemis yelled slapping the back of his head.

"Come up." She says with such a sigh I think I will like my new mentor.

All three of us go up reluctant as we enter battle stances the last time I had a real fight was I believe Skulker a few weeks after Dani was rescued.

My eyes narrow as Kid's stance is not right and more relaxed not alert. Artemis's is like Valerie's ready to fight but blocked with a bit of anger. I wonder how Val is doing I bet she blames Phantom for some reason about my parents and friends demise. I watch with a careful eye as Canary gets ready also.

"Begin." She says as Kid runs fast to he only for Canary to trip him. Just as he was about to fall he caught himself before the computer would register him as a fail.

"Come on Babe, I can take you on." Kid says as I mentally groan thinking he is bad as Tucker with the flirts. Thankfully, Canary locks on him taking him down while dodging arrows courtesy of the green archer to the far left of me. Wally was dodging with his speed until she caught him off guard and swiped under his legs as he fell with flailing arms much to my spirits.

"Kid Flash, Fail." The computer announces as my brother starts laughing really hard. Kid groans and exits the area with a grumble. Artemis is still firing arrows at a rapid rate but Canary dodges them all taking her on with hand to hand combat which Artemis does not do really well with.

"Come on Artemis I taught you to raise your arm more." She said a bit stern.

Artemis does manage to get further than the speedster although. Just as I thought that Canary jabbed her stomach as she fell over.

"Artemis, fail." The computer says once again only leaving me and my new mentor.

"Hm, you did not fight at all so far Danny. Why is that?" She asks me cocking her head a bit.

"I was comprehending your fighting style wondering how I should fight you, and which of my enemies you attack most like." I say calmly with my blue eyes staring at her also blue eyes. I put her fighting style in mind with Vlad's. She is calm and collected and plays her moves ahead of time like Vlad's chess strategies.

"Interesting." She says her eyes looking a bit impressed.

"Can I use my powers?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes, but not your more developed ones only the basics." She says and I am fine with the rules as I nod in confirmation.

She darts to me as I use my super speed to dodge as I throw some punches which she blocks with ease. I flip away from a well-aimed kick as my injuries start to hurt a bit. It was my turn to dodge her fast punches as I blocked a few. I had no time to dodge a forceful kick as I turned intangible at the right moment. Being in my human form makes it much harder to use my powers. At least some of the arena fights the Guys in White made us do kept my physical ability up or I would be like Tucker.

My thoughts were cut off as I levitate from another swipe as I land carefully. Her attacks gets better planned as she fights harder although, she is still holding back.

I dodge even faster thinking of my time in the arena fighting a ghost with blue skin and red flaming hair.

"You are losing focus!" She yelled as I realize she is right in front of me again as I dodge at the last second. My eyes widen as her attacks merge with the ghost in the arena as her skin turns blue and eyes turn a frightening crimson.

The attacks grow as I dodge with fright as my friends morph into the Guys in White.

I try to tell my mind that it is not real and it is my friends and mentor. No, they are not real it is a false place made by them. I grab the distorted female as I place a well-aimed kick forcing her down. He must end this so the pain will not go on any longer for them both. As he hears the grunt of pain his mind clears as he sees Canary on the ground getting up with a bruise on her face.

"Black Canary, fail." The computer rings out but I know it was not a fair fight being I had powers that she did not obtain, plus she was going way too easy on me. Although, the others did not seem to take that fact in as they gaped in shock.

"Dude, nobody beat Canary like that on the team besides Robin." Wally said impressed.

These false realities are really starting to scare me as I hope I will never harm anyone to the point it is fatal. I gulp at the horrible thought.

"Good job!" Robin says beaming as my fears dissipate by his smile.
"Team, being you guys seem to be alright you will head to Amity Park when Batman gets here after the rest of the team has their morning training."

"Yes!" Rocket says giving Kaldur a side hug as he blushed slightly.

My mind goes haywire as I need to obtain the portal and also rescue Cujo and the other ghosts still.

"I hope everything will be okay." I say mumbling as the team looks happy for a mission and being able to go to my hometown.

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