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Danny's P.O.V.

"What do you want Fruitloop?" I looked up in anger at the man who keeps messing everything up for me. If he wasn't so fruity I would love to work on my powers with him but not now.

"Why Daniel that is not a great way to greet your uncle is it?"

"I am not related to you Vlad get that through your cheese filled head!"

"Hm, what a pity that is." He said as his eyes glowed red with the quick smirk of a grin.

"What's a pity as that you are an old man with a cat named Maddie!"

"How dare you mention my sweet Maddie you insolent boy!" He growled as he threw an ectoblast that I dodged. My team and Valerie seemed to finally take action as Aqualad yelled for the team to take action.

"Get away from him you Spook!" Valerie yelled as she fired her ecto-blaster at a fast pace. The red energy ended up hitting Vlad right in the face as he turned his attention to her.

"Why you naive little girl who do you think gave you that suit? Who do you think programmed it" And who do you think is the king in this game of chess here!"

"What are you talking about?" She sounded confused as she snapped out of it right away and her anger returned.

"I made that suit and I can destroy it." He said with a wild grin as he pulled out a button while turning invisible each time the team tried to attack him with arrows and other techniques

"Wow, cliche much." Kid Flash said as he laughed.

"Shut up Baywatch this is a fight, not a comedy show." She sneered as her arrows were raised at Vlad.

"You think this is cliche!" He yelled as he pressed the button as a snap echoed and then came the screams from Valerie as blue electricity lit up around her.

"Valerie!" I screamed with horror as she fell off her hoverboard.

"Miss. Martian link us up!" Kaldur ordered the Martian as she nodded and her eyes glowed green.

"Right you are all the mini-League which means I have to widen my associates."

"Associates, you mean like Skulker and wait oh yeah!" I said snapping my fingers.

"Those dumb old vultures you tried to get to kill my dad."

'Can you guys hear me?'

'Of course Babe.'

'Shut up Kid Flirt!'

'Don't worry Arty you are great too.'

'Focus!' Zatanna mentally yelled which hurt a bit.

'Thank you, Zatanna.' Kal said.

'Supey, you there?' Robin asked as Conner grunted.

'I can hear you all sadly.' I thought as I dodged Vlad more.

'Get Val!' I ordered as Kid zipped in and grabbed her bringing her behind Artemis.

"Give up now and I will let you live and you can even be my apprentice, but of course they need to be rid of." Vlad sneered as Conner gave a growl and aimlessly punched at him and missed every time.

"Hm, did Superman even teach you anything?"

'Superboy, refrain yourself.' Kal tried to calm him down failing at doing so.

Supey was destroying buildings around my old home as I watched in horror as the Fenton Works sign fell.

'Conner please you are destroying everything.' Miss M pleaded as Conner stopped and jumped back as arrows went flying as Vlad morphed his body making them fly through him.

'Come on he has to be a machine or something!' Kid yelled.

'He's not trust me machines aren't that heartless.' I said rolling my eyes as I threw punches at Vlad that he couldn't escape from.

"Eit mih pu!" Zatanna yelled as ropes tied around Vlad as he glared at her.

"These ropes wouldn't even keep a human down!" He yelled as he glowed red and they snapped off like nothing and disintegrated.

Kid Flash ran in circles around him as that seemed to affect him as he looked dizzy. Robin and Aqualad took that as an opening and electrocuted him with some bat gadget and his powers.

"You kids are seeming to be unnecessary trouble." He brusquely said as his body was surrounded by the pinkish aura as a ring exploded sending all of us flying.

"You are too disobedient still little badger!" Vlad yelled as I screamed in pain as his ectoblast hit me with a lot of power.

"Danny!" The team screamed as they got up and Kid Flash tackled Vlad to the ground as he yelled in rage. Before anything could happen Kid ran away from another attack.

'Thanks Kid Flash.' I mentally said.

'Of course dude.'

'I can't get into his mind guys sorry I was trying to this whole time.'

'That's okay Miss M at least you tried.' I said sending her a grateful smile.

'What can I use to take him down I don't have the thermos....or do I?'

'Uh, Danny mental link.' Rocket said as she kept dodging Vlad and attacking when able.

'Oh crud, oh well I have a plan!'

'And...' Robin said getting impatient.

'Kid run to the basement of Fenton Works and get a thermos.'

'Um, I don't think now is the time for soup.' Artemis said getting mad.

'Just do it please, Kid.'

'Okay?' He said rushing off.

"I can not wait for the day to destroy you all!"

"Dude, that would be like never and even if you did let's say Bats would probably kill you."

'Should we call the League?' Kal questioned.

'No, we got this.' I said with a confident tone.

'What just because you are getting soup now?' Rocket yelled and I rolled my eyes shooting at Vlad more.

'No, it is not soup it's a will see.'

'Is this it Danny?' Kid asked as I took the thermos that gave me so many memories.

"You just earned a one-way ticket to thermos land ghost!"

"No no here, let me save you the trouble."

"Come on work!"

"I am going to escape and your too late to save them."

"Hey, Vlad!" I yelled as he looked over with annoyance.

"Say goodbye!" I yelled as the familiar blue hummed back to life a sound I thought I would never hear again.

"Oh, sugar cookie!" He snapped as the light sucked him into the small container.

"There right at home Vlad." I laughed as the team gathered around me with Valerie in Conner's arms.

"Thanks, guys you really helped. I don't think I would have beat him without this thermos."

"No problem, dude." Kid said smirking.

"Let's go get that portal and save Cujo!" I yelled as Valerie came to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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