Val and the Spook

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Danny's P.O.V.

The ride seemed endless as I could not help thinking about all the ones still alive at Amity.

Dash, Paulina, Kwan, Star, Lancer, Mikey, Sam and Tucker's parents, Ida, Tetslaff, Falluca, and I could never forget Valerie. All of them must hate my Phantom side dearly being the G.I.W. must have made it like I killed them instead of them. The cold morning air was something I wished to feel as I looked out the clear window.

"So, about this place...." Rocket started out as I looked over at her.


"Is it like you know actually haunted?" She asked a bit sheepish as Kid started laughing obnoxiously.

"Yes, Kid moron?" Artemis asked him scowling while sharpening her arrows.

"Right, like that is a thing." He said wiping away invisible tears.

"Hey! I am living proof, well half living I guess." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"You just had an accident in a lab like me." He states like he knew everything.

"I am sure Phantom knows what he is talking about, Kid." Aqualad said as calm as possible to soothe the speedster's beliefs.

"What does the ghost zone look like?" Zatanna piped up her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Um, it mainly consists of ectoplasm which makes the sky green. There is floating purple doors, but do not open them. Uh, there is also certain ghost's keeps, so do not disturb them if you ever go there."

"Really, that is so cool!" M'gann contributed still driving her Bioship.

"What else is there?" Robin asked as the Bioship went quiet to hear my tales.

"There is the Unworld and the Elsewhereness, but I heard those from Clockwork. The Unworld is a terrible place to be that is going on forever kind of like limbo. If anyone miscalculates a trip to the ghost zone they will end up there forever losing all abilities."

"Creepy." Rocket said shivering a bit.

"What about the other one?" Kid asked.

"I thought you didn't believe in that stuff!" Artemis yelled as Kid flashed her a smile.

"Doesn't mean I want to learn about something I can relate to Science." He said as she groaned.

"The Elsewhereness is a place where all negative emotions are gone completely. Everyone wants to end up there a place in peace. Clockwork told me a ghost named Sojourn found the place the only one to, and his gatherings of the place are spread around the entire zone."

"Guys! We are here!" Miss M said making everyone lose their thoughts on the facts they just acquired.

"Cool, I need to stretch." Wally said getting up doing basic stretches with his legs.

As we piled out the Bioship Amity looked a bit different as more ghost seemed to be all around as their red or green eyes illuminated.

"Woah." The team breathed out looking at the flying ghosts.

"So, where is Fenton Works?" Robin asked as I gulped and pointed straight ahead. As we were walking I could imagine my old adventures like fighting Undergrowth over there, and running from the Christmas nightmare there, and Dash running after me to the right of me as I see Casper High. No one seemed to be out my guess is to stay away from the ghosts. Finally, I see the building I used to call home not lit up with the neon sign anymore. The words seemed to be falling apart along with the building itself.

"This is the place?" Conner gruffed as I replied to him.

"Yeah, this is it." I whisper.

Going up the slate-colored steps was strange again as a flaming blast flew past me.

"Get away from there Spook! No one can go in there and disrespect Danny- I mean the Fenton family!" Val came down in her red suit holding up the improved blaster.

"Val, please!" I beg as she holds it up her posture angrier.

"YOU! You ruined everything! My life, this town, and now you ruined Danny's!" She yelled firing more intense shots as her aim got better. Before the team could attack her I told them not to in the mindlink.

"Wait, Val let me explain." I pleaded as she kept shooting and I dodging.

"Fight me!" She screamed her moves becoming clouded with anger.

"I never hurt anyone I never hurt the Fenton's, and I would never hurt you!" I yelled tears forming as I held them back as I could see the blades of grass moving with her hoverboard.

"Lies!" Valerie yelled attacking me as we tumbled in the road as my eyes reflected green in her helmet's visor.

"It's me Danny Fenton, Val." I said calmly as I could as she got saddened.

"No, you are lying Danny died with his family and friends." She wavered her sentence.

"I am proof I never died, well at least fully." I said locking my gaze with her and sighed as I could feel the cold rings going over my body revealing my human form.

"I-it's a trick it has to be." Valerie said sounding like she was crying or having a mental breakdown.

"It's me." I said walking towards her as she kept stepping back.

"No, no, no you can not fool me!" She got angry again holding up the gun, but she couldn't shoot the face of her friends, her crush.

"Remember when we went on that date to the fair with the beautiful Ferris wheel?" I asked stepping towards her again as she stayed still.

"Or what about when Sam did not trust you I told her you meant well."

"How about when we had to take care of that flour project and Tucker's mother used all the flour bags to cook with." I developed a smile on my face.

"You still have that dorky smile." She whispered as she took off her red helmet as her wavy black hair sways in the wind as her green eyes are tearing up.

"Danny..." She asked not wanting to believe it.

"Okay, can someone explain this soap opera to me!" Wally yells as the whole team including Valerie and I glare at him.

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