Friends and a mission to never forget

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Robin's P.O.V.

I was having a fun time messing with my best friend Kid Flash in the Mountain. Static reaches my ears as I picked on the poor speedster from Conner watching static.

"Rob, I am not that late to events." Wally complained stomping his foot like a child.

"Shut it Baywatch, Robin is right remember when we first met."

"I was in school and I was happy I could spend quality time at the beach with my best friends."

" didn't" I added smirking.

"Hey be quiet down there!"
"There was really good food M'gann made and Kaldur controlling water was the best too bad you missed it....wait was that a height joke you just said?"

"You think short stuff?"
"I would rather be short since it is better for acrobats."

"Yeah, well being tall is good for running faster cause my legs are longer."

"Does it even work like that Baywatch your uncle is faster than you." Artemis joined the teasing as Wally looked like he was going to yell. Seeing how they were arguing like an old married couple I decided to leave the room. Passing the kitchen with the smell of burnt chocolate cookies while M'gann sighs in disappointment. Kaldur left to the training room with his water bearers in hand.

"Woah, the calm leader has issues." I mutter to myself as the sound of water crackling with electricity reaches my ears with each slice to the poor dummy. I push the door open sneaking in with no sound at all like Bats taught me. Reaching up to the rafters peering at my leader and friend. I decide Aqualad may need someone to talk to being he seems to be the type to keep it all in than explode alone. I drop to the ground with a smirk as my shadow is in front of me.

"Hey, leader what's up?" I question appearing right beside me as he jumps a bit, but keeps it hidden, not bad.

"Would you announce yourself before you jump out!" He says frustrated until he calms his demeanor looking deeply guilty.

"I am sorry my friend I just seem to be having....issues."
"What about?" I ask turning to look at his pale green eyes full of sadness.

"Trouble with someone."

"I should not make you deal with my burden Robin."

"It is not a burden Kal, plus that is what friends do." I say with a bright cheery face hoping to lift his spirits which seems to work a bit as his mouth twitches up.

"I feel love for Tula, yet Raquel seems to be a great girl too, and Garth my friend in Atlantis is already dating Tula."

"Love triangle aye Kal."
"Nothing, well if you are already seem to like Rocket being she's free why don't you try to date her she seems nice, is your decision not mine."
"I will think about it thanks Robin."
"No problem Kal." I say a bit sad as I remember something I totally forgot about.

"Is something troubling you Robin?"
"Me psh, no way I was just thinking about Bats hard training later."
"If you say so." He says not really believing it.

Flashes of my younger twin brother comes to mind as I remember him telling me about some friends he made when we were traveling in Europe.

"Yes, Danny?"

"I just made some friends here, but what about my other ones in the United States?"
"What about them?"
"How am I able to keep that many friends it does not seem like I will be able to." Danny's face was downcasted.

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