Savior's Pain

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Danny's P.O.V.

I looked up with my blurred vision as I see some teenagers coming in to the room where I am trapped in a they are here to help

...Maybe it is a trick.

The screeching alarm pierces my enhanced hearing echoing off the walls with every pulsation of bright red. The blurred figures look in horror at me as I glare in anger at the Guys in White mainly Agent K and O. I remember everything those two did, the scalpel a cold sharp object slicing like butter, the rippling electricity like the portal, and forcing my obsession against me. I start to freak out as the flashbacks come to my mind striking like lightning to a pole.


That is all I am as the word crashes around in my head tearing like a migraine. I look up to see a bright fiery ectoblast coming at the black haired girl. My heart lurches and brain goes on overload harming myself because I am breaking my obsession to protect.

Like my cellmate.

To my relief the kid with I believe is a S shield blocks the blast with his chest. The ectoblast explodes a crackling green illuminating the darkened room with the toxic color. The attack effects him slightly to my disbelief I wonder what he is. Suddenly a wave of ecto beams come hurling at them all at once the kid could not take all of them.

"Nrut Thgir!" The girl behind the boy yells as all the shots turn right and hits the wall making a bit of the metal covering melt like hydrofluoric acid burning through glass.

"Leave while you still can!" Operative M yells pointing his gun up as more agents back them up. I start to freak out further as more pile in with the noise shredding my eardrums. My hands feel as if they are melting with ectoplasm eating my human skin as Agent Alpha presses a button sending a jolting pain of agony through me as bad as the portal accident.

It grows stronger as my body has sparks across it like the fourth of July fireworks and I can't keep from yelling any longer.

Finally, the agonizing pain comes to a halt as the darker skinned male sends his own electricity to Agent Alpha as he collapses. I am very grateful for that teen right now as I feel shocks making my legs and arms jitter.

The teens looking even more fuming than before as the yellow fast one streaks around stealing and disabling the guns as he throws them to the S kid who bends them like nothing.

I wish I could help them somehow.

They will most likely run away and lock me up forever if they find out I am nothing but a ghost.

They always do.

"Release him!" My prior savior yells as cold air picks up traveling low to the ground. My eyes flash a dull green being the cuffs and cage are suppressing my powers at the next words.

"Why don't you kids save something worth saving, this thing is nothing but a menace!" O yells as the strong one roars in anger at the words.

"HE is a kid!"

"That is its form to make you feel sorry its kind has no feelings!" O continues as the green skinned girl flinches.

"That is not true, he is not evil and he can feel!" She yells as her eyes glow an almost white green when she lifts her arms. Five Guys in White goes flying against the wall rendering them unconscious. Suddenly, an eerie cackle fills the room seeming like it was from everywhere as the alarms thankfully shut off. From the corner of my eye I see the kid looking at me weird oddly when they first came in. More agents fill the room close to overpowering the teenagers as they obtain more lethal weapons that even gives the S guy a hard time.

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