Chapter One

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'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl'

Monday, Lauren's P.O.V

"So today we are going to start working on our project for the week!" Mrs. Walker says while everyone in the class groans. "I know, I know. But it's not going to be that bad. I have saved you some trouble and picked your partners for you!" She smiles, again the class groans. "Mark and Lukas, Jillann and Michelle, Connor and Brooke.." I zone out, waiting for my name to be called.

"And Lauren and Zayn." She smiles and sits at her desk. "You have to make a model of a planet or something like that. It just has to do with space." She opens her laptop and begins typing. I look around the room trying to find to this Zen boy. Everyone was already with their partners, but there was a boy with black and hair and big black glasses on. I took a change and hoped he was my partner. 

"Zayn, right?" I ask, sliding into the seat next to him.

"Yeah." He says quietly, he runs his hand nervously through his hair. He's kinda cute, being all nervous, you can tell he doesn't talk to girls. Or people in fact.

"So what do you want our model to be?" 

"I was thinking we could the solar system, like this." He turns his laptop so I can see the screen.

"Sure." I smile and grab my pen and paper. "We should make a list of the things we need."

"Okay." He turns his chair so it faces me. "So we probably Styrofoam balls, and something to hold them up and make them spin." 

"Maybe I can ask my brother about the spinning part. He's in college trying to be an engineer." I say, hoping he'll be home tonight and not off with some whore, but you never really know with Jordan.

 "Yeah sure," He nods and smiles. "Is it alright if I do the painting of the planets?" He asks shyly.

"Yeah, I'm not very good at painting, even when it's just a small ball." I laugh. 

He just lets out a small laugh. We continue to talk about our project, but the bell Mrs. Walker interrupts our talking.

"So your project will be due on Thursday of next week, so you better get working." She stops just when the bell rings. "Goodbye, have a nice rest of your day." She smiles and waves, I give a small wave and walk back to my desk and grab my thinks. I walk out the door and into the very crowded hallway. I walk towards the locker and find my best-friend, Connor, standing right in front of it. She has her head down, looking at her phone. She looks up when she sees my white shoes.

"Hey," She said, smiling at me.

"Hi," I say back, unlocking my locker. I shove my science books in it and grab my History textbook.

"You ready?" She asks, History is one of the only classes I have with Connor. She's really the only friend I have here. Even tho the whole school knows me. They know me as Mackenzie Babak's  little sister. You see my older sister Mackenzie, or Mack, was the school slut here she slept around like it was a game. And maybe it was. When I got here everyone thought I was just like her. I became the popular girl. That girl every girl wanted to be, and every boy wanted to have.

"Yeah," I nod and close my locker. We walk to class together, every now and then I would get waves and smiles from my classes mates. We turn into the classroom and sit in the middle.

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