Chapter Eleven

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'These are my friends, I love them...'

Lauren's P.O.V, Monday

I pull some ripped jeans, and a white tank on before heading down to the kitchen. I can already tell Mack is home by the loud laughter coming from the room. I get to the end of the hall and see mom, Jordon, Mack, and some stranger.

"Oh, Laur! Come meet my new boyfriend!" Mack says, She pushes him closer, I mean he's no bad looking, but why you want to date someone as crazy as Mack?

"Hi I'm Noah." He smiles and sticks his hand out. Who shakes people's hands anymore. I awkwardly shake is and quickly before getting out the milk and coco puffs.

"Her name is Lauren." I literally hear her eye roll. I get my bowl out, pour some cereal, and start eating when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" She sings. Laur there's a cute boy at the door for you!"

"What?" I say with a mouth full food. I quickly take my hair two ties off my wrist and pull my hair into space buns. I put my bowl in the sink and walk down the hall towards the front door. I check myself in the hall mirror before meeting Mack at the door.

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" I ask, He's got his school bag slung across his shoulder and car keys in his hand. His hair is a normal higher the snoop dog quiff, He has a black muscle tank (Showing off his muscles) on with ripped jeans. Damn.

"I wanted to drive you." He smiles and rubs the back of his neck.

"Okay," I urn around to grab my backpack but Jordon has it in his hands, along with my water bottle.

"I'm going back to school today so I won't be here when you get home." He says, handing me my stuff. I give him and hug and a kiss on the check.

"Why don't you say goodbye to me like that?" I hear Mack say before I closed the door. I roll my eyes before smiling at Zayn.

"Whose car is that?" Because I know for a fact he doesn't have a car. I feel like this car ride is going to be very awkward seeing as tho ee's a very awkward person.

"I begged my older sister to let me sue it so I could drive you." he says while shyly smiles, getting in the front seat of the car.

"To be honest I didn't think you new how to drive." I laugh, setting my stuff in the back seats next to his before getting in the passenger seat.

"I don't have a car that's why." he says while pulling out of the driveway. I can see my family looking out the living room window at us. I wave at them, making them hurry out of the window.

"I know you have a brother, but who was that guy?" he asks, focusing on the road. Can't tell if it's jealous or curiosity. Or maybe both. Maybe neither.

"Mack's new boyfriend."

"Did you get a tattoo?" I ask looking at the little lighting bolt on his right arm. (P.S I know the lighting bolt was not his first tat but I wanted it to be in this story.)

"Yeah, sweet right?" He smiles.

"Yeah, I always wanted one, but too scared to ever really do it." I trace the tattoo with my finger. I can feel him tense but I don't stop.

"Don't tell anyone but I took my little sister with me so she could hold my hand." (A/N: Not true again but idc)

"That's cute." I smile, tracing the tattoo for the hundredth time. "Wish my sister would do that." My smile fades.

"You always have me." He quickly smiles at me before turning into the school parking lot. He stops the car but doesn't get out. He pulls his phone out the glove box and looks at the time, "We have twenty minutes before school starts."

"Oh, What time did we leave?" I ask.

"6, it's 7 now and school starts at 7:20."

I was going to say something but I got interrupted by my phone going off.

Connor: where the fuck are u

Me: Sorry forgot to tell you Zayn was driving me to school

Connor: And your only telling me now?! wtf Lauren

Me: Are you at school?

Connor: no I'm at your house listening to Mack talk bout how greaaatt Noah is. I swear I can hear Jordon laughing from here.

Me: lol

Connor: Shut up, this is all your fault.

Me: Sorry. He showed up at my door and offered to drive me. Of course I said yes.

Connor: Fries before guys bitch. 

Me: One don't call me a bitch. Two you would have done it too.

Connor: Fine. I'll see you when I get there.

"What do you have first?" Zayn asks, grabbing our bags from the bag.

"Hang on." I said, opening my times table on my phone. Yesterday was the end of semester one so I had new classes. "French." I say slipping y phone back in my pocket. I grab my bag from his hand and get out of the car. 

"We have the same class," He yells, from the other side of the car.

"Laur!" I hear a high voice yell from across the parking lot. I turn and see Brooke walking towards me with Josh and Sophiea following her like lost puppies.

"What do you want Brooke?" I roll my eyes dramatically.

"I see you rode with Zayn this morning," She smiles.

"Your point?"

 "I just think it's cute. Popular girl pitting the little nerd," She smirks.

"Leave us alone Brooke."

"hang out with him any longer and it's gonna end for you."

"You're making it should like your going to kill me." I huff.

"Better watch out." she smirks. Brooke has the past of dating boy that were in the West gang but I never thought she was apart of it. It doesn't help when her brother is the leader. 

"You're going to kill her because she's hanging out with me?" Zayn said finally.

"She did somethings before she came here." I tense, I didn't think anyone here knew about it.

"I was 11!"

"You still killed Mason."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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