Chapter Eight

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'You can't take my youth away,'

Thursday night, Zayn's P.O.V

"Welcome to my house." I say walking into my crappy apartment that my family and I live in.

"it's nice." She says, sliding off her clean white vans.

"You don't have to lie." I laugh. 

"No it's nice." She says, walking in the living room, er she was already in the living room. She's also already in the kitchen. The kitchen and the living room are the same room. There is a small hallway that leads the bathroom, my sisters room, my room, and both my parents room. 

"Want to get started?" I ask, pulling my notebook out of my pack. 

"Sure." She says, taking a seat on the breakfast table. She pulls out her laptop and brings the slides up. 

We are halfway through the I think about when I'm going to tell her. If I don't the guys will freak out tomorrow. "Hey, Lauren?" I ask, looking up from my notebook.

"yeah?" She says, rubbing her eyes. She looks so cute when she's tired. Even though it's only 5 in the afternoon.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," She smiles.

"I--" But I get interrupted my youngest Safaa walking into the apartment.

"Zayn who is this?"

"I'm Lauren." She smiles and waves at Safaa. Just to make it worst my father and family walks into the room with bags of food from the restaurant they went too.

"I'm Safaa." She says, walking up to Lauren.

"That's Doniya, Waliyha and my mum." Safaa smiles. 

"Safaa, why don't you go into your room and play for a little bit." My mum says, smiling at Lauren.

"Hi, Mrs. and Mr. Malik." Lauren says, closing her laptop.

"Hi honey who are you?"

"I'm Lauren Babak, Zayn's science partner." 

"Well I'm Yaser and this is my wife, Trisha." my dad smiles at her. 

"Wait are you Jordan and Mack Babak's little sister, right?" Lauren nods at Don's question.

"Well we are going to leave you two to it. Zayn I'll just leave your dinner in the fridge." My mother moves everyone into their rooms.

"Safaa was a cutie. Anyways what did you want to tell me?"

"I just wanted to tell you I know what we do for our presentation." I point to the papers and our solar system model. I guess today wasn't the day. I was worried my sisters would hear and make fun of me when she rejects me. Even worse if my parents are listening. My father would non stop pick on me and my mother would think it's cute and pinch my cheeks. "I was thinking we could have one slide....

And that's how my night ended. I didn't tell her. I had the chance when I dropped her off at her house or when she kissed me on the cheek. I can't tell the boys. I lay in my bed thinking about all the things Harry might say. 'Grow a pair' he would laugh and Niall would tell him off for making fun of me. Just like every day at lunch.

"Honey?" My mother knocks on the door.

"What's up?" I ask, sitting up.

"Was that the Lauren you're always talking about?" She asks, sitting on the edge of my small single bed.

"Yes," I answer.

"She seems nice, and very pretty." She smiles. Here comes the cheek pinching.

"She's is nice and very pretty."

"She likes you." 

"What? She has never talked to me.She never would have if we didn't have this stupid project." I sigh. I run my hands through my hair and take my glasses off.

"I saw how she looked at you. You know your father and I met because of a History project." I groan, I heard this story so many damn times I know it like the back of my hand.

"I know, I know." 

"I know you know it but I just want you to know the nerd and the pretty popular girl can date, don't listen to those stupid high school stereotypes. 

"She's not just a pretty girl, she's everything."

"Then you have to do anything you can to make her yours." I thought about that for a second. "Maybe try contacts." Now at that I laugh. I tried contacts in freshman year and dropped it in the toilet. "Or let stubble grow in." I touch my chin. I already had stubble growing, I was going to shave in the morning.

"I don't want to change anything, I want her to see me."

"Just wear contacts for a day, leave the stubble, if she really likes you she will notice the change. When you go back to school on Monday you can wear your glasses." She pats me on the shoulder. "Safaa and Don are watching a movie in the living room if you want to join them." She gives me a hug and walks out of my closet like room. I get off the bad and shuffle over to my wood dresser were a picture of Lauren sits. It's of her in her blue shorts and a white tank top. I took it in freshman year. She was wearing dark sunglasses, and her hair was straight and pulled out of her face with pins. She looked beautiful as ever.

"Zaynie?" Safaa knocks on my door.


"Are coming to watch the movie with us?" I slip my glasses back on my face.

"Of course."

(PS Safaa is seven, Doniya is eighteen, and Waliyha nineteen. I know they are older in real life)

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