Chapter Six

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'I was scared that I would never make it through my life'

Wednesday Afternoon, (Zayn's P.O.V)

"What do you mean?" Harry asks, shoving a fry into his month.

"Have you see her?" 

"Of course I have!"

"Then you know I don't have a chance."

"You do too! Almost every night you go over to her house you have so many more chances than the other boys who drool over her!"

"And she don't seem like the other girls here." Niall says, biting into his hamburger. 

"I don't care if you think I'm a chicken it's just a crush."

"What's just a crush?" I turn and see Lauren holding a gray lunch bag.

"Oh nothing." Louis says.

"What's up?" I ask. fixing my glasses.

" My friend had to go somewhere and I have no one to sit by..." She looks down at the ground.

"You can sit by us." Niall says pointing to the seat next to me. "I'm sure Zayn would like that." He mumbles.

I kick his shin and he doubles over in pain. "Dude what the hell?"

"Shut up." I hiss.

"You sure you're okay with this?" She asks turning in her seat to look at me.

"Yeah gives us more time to take about the slide show." I say, I can see Liam behind her. Glaring at me.

(Lauren's P.O.V)

"Yeah, so what do we want to talk about?" I say, trying to hide my disappointment in my voice. I thought we could talk about something other than this stupid project.

 "Well we could say why we picked the solar system." He says, as I look down at the table. His friends are weird. The guy with blond hair keeps making faces in the Brown haired one, I think his name was Liam. And Liam makes faces at Zayn.

I don't understand why I'm all shy. Or why Connor left sixth hour. She didn't say anything.

"Laur?" A voice says and I turn around. I see Amber Rose Jordan standing there with a hand on her hip.

"Yes?" I roll my eyes.

"Why are you sitting by these nerds?" 

"Because I can."

"And she doesn't want to sit next you and your hoes." Louis smirks.

Amber's eyes go wide and she stomps off. The clicking of her heels make students turn away from their lunches.

"What was that about?" Zayn asks, looking down at his milk bottle.

"Amber's just mad because she always wants me to sit next to her at lunch, but I always sit my Connor. She's not here today. She left last hour." I say looking back at the group of cute boys. I had to agree that Zayn and his friends were very good looking. Liam's hair was swiped over his forehead and his brown eyes sparkled. Niall was just over all cute. Fluffy blond hair and bright blue eyes. Louis was funny and sassy, along with Harry who made stupid jokes, but I laughed anyways. But none of these boys compared to Zayn, the way his glasses sit on his nose or his black hair that sits on the top of his head. 

I can't believe I'm saying this but I think...I think I might like Zayn.

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