Chapter Seven

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'I can not give you everything, you know I wish I could'

Thursday morning/afternoon, Lauren's P.O.V

"What happened?" I ask Connor, other the phone as I get ready for today. 

"Calum's in the hospital." I drop my mascara tube on the ground. 

"What?" I don't really know her stepbrother. I see him and his friends at their house when I'm over, but I never talked to him.

"No one at school knows so you can't tell anyone."

"I promise but what happened?" I ask, picking my mascara back up.

"They won't tell me, but I don't think I will be coming to school today either." 

"Is he okay?"

"No, but I have to stay home and help him. Mum and dad have to go to work."

"oh okay."

"Well I have to go, now. Mum made a mistake of giving him a bell--- CALUM STOP FUCKING RINGING THE STUPID ASS BELL I'M TALKING TO LAUR!" She screams. I move the phone away from my ear.

"Well, I'm going to let you, now. If I can I'll stop by after school."

"Bye." I set my phone down on the counter and finish my hair and make-up. I leave my messy curly hair down. 

"Lauren breakfast is ready!" My brother yells from downstairs. he probably just put milk and cereal in a bowl and called it breakfast.

"I'm coming!" I say running back into my room and throw on some blue jeans and a black tank top. I run down the stairs and see ego waffles with blueberries. My mother and brother and eating theirs. 

"Good morning." Jordan says, pulling on my hair.

"Stawwwppp!" I whine throwing a blueberry at him.

"Don't waste those berries, Missy." My mother says, putting her plate in the sink. "Well I have to get to work. Jordan can you drive Lauren to school?" She asks, grabbing her purse and work laptop. 

"I can." He answers with a mouth full of waffle. 

"Well bye." She says and kisses us both on our heads.

"Bye mum." We both say.

"I heard what happened with Calum." He says, grabbing the car keys off the counter.


"You and Connor talk very loud."

"Damn it." I grumble.

"I won't tell anyone."

"You better not." 

"Do you know why?"

"She didn't tell me." 

"Well here you go." He pulls into the parking lot of the high school and drops me off at the front door.

"bye bubs." I say, using his nick name I gave him when I was little.


"hey Lauren!" I look up and see Liam waving at me. I walk over and sit next to him and the guys. I set my lunch tray down next to Zayn. 

"Can  come over today?" I ask, while stuffing potato chips in my mouth.


"To work on the project."

"Oh-- yeah of course. Tonight is perfect, my mother is taking my sisters out to dinner."

(Zayn's P.O.V)

I guess this is my best chance at telling Lauren how I feel.

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