Chapter Two

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'Hey pretty face, I wanna tell you something'

Monday Night, Lauren's P.O.V

 "MOM! I'm home!" I shout, as I step inside. I set my bag down on the table. I hear tiny paws running down the stairs. I see a flash of black and white, and all of a sudden I'm on the ground with my puppy, Blue, on top of me licking my face.

"Stop!" I laugh and pick her up, setting her on the ground. 

"She's been sitting in your room all day, waiting for you." My mother says from the kitchen.

"Hey, Laur." My older brother comes into the room. "When's that kid coming over?" He asks.

"Not till 5, and his name is Zayn, I'm just going to take Blue for a walk." I tell him. I run up to my room to change out of my shorts and shirt. I wipe my make-up off. I change into some leggings and a sports bra. I run back down the stairs with Blue hot on my trait.

I grab her leash, and walk out the door, with her running in circles. 


I step into the house and with tired little Blue, I take her leash and she walks slowly into the living room and falls onto her bed. I look at the clock at see it's already four, thirty. We went out on a hour long walk. 

I walk into the kitchen and see my sister. Mack. 

"Laur!" She jumps off the bar stool and tackles me with a hug, I roll my eyes but wrap my arms round her anyways. She pulled away and smiled at me. "Oh how I missed you!" She squeals, her black curly hair bouncing up and down. 

"You just saw me on Sunday? That was yesterday!" I groan. 

"Lauren." My mother warned, "Be nice to your sister." I roll my eyes.

"Mack, I have a friend coming---"

"Is he cute?" She asks, cutting me off.

"How do you know it's a boy?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"Jordan told me. Anyways what's his name?" 

"Zayn." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. "Now please leave me alone, I have to go get changed." I say gesturing my sports bra and leggings.

"Can I help?" 

"No!" I say, stomping up the stairs. I throw on a white shirt and slip off my leggings. I pull on a random pair of shorts. I pull my curls into a loose bun with a small chunk sticking out. I don't put on any make-up, because why? He's just some guy.

I walk out of my room and into the hall. I walk into Jordan's room. He's laying on his stomach facing the wall. With music blasting through his head phones. I tap his shoulder and he jumps off the bed, hitting the head board. He lets out a a loud groan. He sits up while rubbing his head.

"I give you five seconds (of summer) to run." He says before he starts counting down. I run out of his room and into the hall. I tumble down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mum and sister give me weird looks, but once they hear my brother's loud foot steps they burst out laughing. I run into the living room and jump on the couch. I curl up into a little ball, hoping to look like a pillow.

"Really, Laur?" He says before jumping on top of me, he starts tickling my sides. I burst out into fits of laughter. 

"Stop." I pant. I hear the door bell ring, but I'm to busy getting attacked by my brother to notice. "Jordan please!" I whine, but he just keeps tickling me. I lift my leg ready to kick him, but I stop moving when I hear my stupid sister's high voice.

"You never said he was this cute!" She squeals. I look towards the door and see my sister and Zayn looking at me and my brother. I push him off and stand up from the couch. I straighten out my shirt and lead Zayn into the kitchen where my mother is making dinner. 

"Mom this is my partner, Zayn." She waves at him and he awkwardly waves back. 

"Hi honey," She smiles sweetly, "I'm Karen."

"Hi," He says shyly.

"Come on." I grab his wrist again and pull him up the stairs.

"Sorry about our sister, Mack." My brother says, scratching his neck as we walk into my room. "I tried telling her to stay at the dorms."

 "it's okay, I have two myself." He says, awkwardly standing in the door way, looking around at my posters and light purple walls.

"Well don't just stand there." I say patting the desk chair, "We have a project to work on." 

Zayn's P.O.V

The whole time her brother (Who I never caught the name of) was talking I couldn't stop staring at Lauren. Of course I see at her at school all the time, but never this close. She was ever prettier. Her curly black hair was tied in a big bun in the top of her head, and it had a small chunk hanging out of it. She had a white shirt on that showed her red and black sports bra underneath, her blue jean shorts showed off her mile long caramel legs. Her face was clear of any product and looked great. 

Every time her brother said something stupid she let out the most beautiful sound ever. A sound the made my heart thump against my rib cage.

I was snapped out my thoughts when Lauren asked, "Did you get that all?" pointing at the notebook filled with everything Jordan (I got his name) said. I nod my head not trusting my voice. She smiles and turn her head to look back at him as he talked about what we need to make it work.

"So next time we can build it." She smiles at me, she leads me back down the stairs and into the kitchen where her mother and sister, Mack, were chatting.

"So same time?" I ask as we reach the front door.


"But I might not be there, so your on your own." Jordan says, running a hand through his curly short hair. I never looked hard but Lauren and Jordan looked so alike. Same eye shape. Same caramel skin. Same full lips. The only difference I could see was Jordan's eyes where bright blue when her eyes were hazel.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asks, a cute pout on her face.

"Ann needs me." He winks.   

"More like you need her. Anyways I'll see you at school, Zayn." She says before waving and closing the door behind her. I hear laughter come from her and Jordan.

Now time to go to the place I wish I could call home.

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