The bell rang.
It was time to go home. Soeun ran out of the class as soon as the bell rings, she went out from the back door because she didn't want to be seen by Jackson. Soeun was slightly trembling.
"Just please don't let me bump on him.. oh god.." Soeun whispered. She really didn't want another hit. She was hurt really bad.
If Soeun was lucky, she won't be bumping Jackson again. She will be fine, she just need to get out from the back door as fast as possible.
But sadly, luck was not on her side for today.
"Lee Soeun!" Jackson called out for her. As soon as Soeun heard Jackson's voice, her legs were getting faster. She was already fast walking at this point.
"Oi Lee Soeun!" Jackson screamed out angrily. Soeun gulped when she heard Jackson's footsteps getting nearer and louder.
Suddenly a hand grabbed onto Soeun's shoulder, her back was slammed against the locker. Soeun yelped in pain.
By the end of the day, I won't be surprised if I have a bruise on my back.
With a flash, Soeun was pushed down to the floor. She didn't look up, her gaze was stick to the ground. She was kneeling.
"I was calling you, are you deaf?" Jackson said calmly.
But Soeun knew that Jackson's blood was boiling right now.
See? Soeun was right.
A lot of students went to their place after they heard Jackson's scream. Jackson liked this, he liked getting attention when he was bullying Soeun, it was a prove to him that he was strong and Soeun was weak.
And people that surrounding him were the witnesses.
Soeun tried to stop the bullying but what can she do? She couldn't fight back. As Jackson said, she is pathetic. He said that so many times, it was starting to make Soeun think that she really is pathetic.
"Give me your notes." Jackson said, his hands stretching out. Soeun didn't move. "I said, give me your notes!" He screamed louder this time and yanked Soeun's bag,
tossing everything out with one hand. Her things were falling on the ground. Her pencils, the books, the notes were all splattered on the ground.
"Stop it!" Soeun begged while picking up her things on the ground. She gritted her teeth as her hands were balled into fist when she heard laughing voices.
Soeun was trying hard not to cry.
What even am I doing? Soeun asked herself. She was angry with herself when her tears fell on their own again.
Jackson looked at Soeun with a mocking smirk. "See? This is why I called you pathetic, crying so easily like a fucking baby when you're not even one." Jackson shaking his head.
Why, why can't I fight back? She said again in her mind.
Jackson forcefully fisted Soeun's collar, making her stand up. "Listen to me, stupid girl." He pushed Soeun's head using his fingers. Soeun looked down. "You are pathetic," he pushed again, this time a little bit harder. "You are pathetic and that's how you will always be."
Soeun didn't know from where she got the strength and courage to push Jackson away from her. Jackson stumbled back a bit and he looked at Soeun with a shocked expression.
"Ah, did you just pushed me?" Jackson chuckled. Soeun took this chance to escape from him.
"You're scared?" Jackson screamed when Soeun ran. Soeun acted like she didn't hear anything, but she could hear people whispering and due to this, she gritted her teeth.
"You can run but you can't hide!" Jackson screamed as he laughed. Soeun trembled as she felt chills on her spine.
Soeun tried to ignore Jackson's words, most of it sounds like a threat. Jackson scares Soeun, really. He was like her worst nightmare.
Soeun ran without caring who was in front. She was now at the school gate, her backpack was not even zipped properly but that was not important at all.
Soeun had to run far away from Jackson.
She went home. She wanted a someone to comfort her, but her house was empty, she was alone. She never really had anyone there for her.
In fact, nobody was even there for her.
She sighed, took off her shoes and went straight to her room to put her bag. After that, she took a quick shower. After like twenty five minutes, she was finished.
Soeun went to the kitchen, took out the sausages from the freezer, putting it into the microwave to defrost it. After that she took a ramen cup, opening the lid and put in the hot water. After like a minute, the microwave let out a beep sound.
Soeun took out the sausages from the microwave and slice it into mouthful bites, she then put the sausages inside her ramen. Soeun hummed in content when she had the first bite of her ramen.
After she finished eating, she washed the dishes and threw away the ramen cup, drank a glass of water went to bed.
Soeun hoped tomorrow to be a better day.
Soeun sighed. What even is a word hope? Soeun was now in class, Teacher Jun was here, he must want to do something with—
"Okay let's get in groups of two everyone!"
Soeun sighed. She hated being in groups, she know damn well that no one wants to be with her and she will be the one that ended up doing all the work.
"If you think that you will be able to choose your own partner, well no." Mr. Jun smiled. "I will choose your partner."
With his words, everyone groaned in despair.
"Park Jimin with Kim Jihye." Those five words made Jihye squealing in happiness, and some people looking at her weirdly.
"Wang Jackson with Kang Minju." The teacher announced. And the list goes on and on.
"Lee Soeun and..." Soeun's ears perked at her name. Mr. Jun glanced at her for a bit and moved his eyes to Taehyung.
Ah, him? No it couldn't be right? No it couldn't—
"Lee Soeun and Kim Taehyung."
Well shit.
After a long list of names, Mr. Jun closed his book.
"The two pair of partners will be sitting together for one semester." Mr. Jun said looking at all the students.
"You can only change the seats after one semester, okay? One." Mr. Jun pressed on his words.
"If your partner, or should I say deskmate?" Mr Jun chuckled. "If your deskmate caused problems for you, you can meet me at my office."
"Okay okay, move your seats now!" Mr. Jun clapped his hands, excited for the new change of seats.

FanfictionCOMPLETED "When I saw you crying I just want to hug you tight and tell you that everything's gonna be alright." -Kim Taehyung What happens if a crybaby meets a cold-hearted boy that hates people crying? Lee Soeun, a crybaby and Kim Taehyung, the dea...