Soeun spent all night finishing the notes, she wanted to get the scholarship as she was really short on money. She really need to work hard on her studies to get a scholarship.
Soeun yawned and got up from her bed. She went to the mirror and looked at her face. Ew. She got fading bruises at her cheek. It's probably because of Jackson. She felt a tear escaping from her eyes but she quickly wipe it off.
"Let's just focus on getting the scholarship now." She encouraged herself. She let out a breath and went to get ready for school. She wore her uniform and went out of her house. She kept her spectacles on her hands.
Actually Soeun's eye-sight was not that bad, but she had to use it for school since she always squinted her eyes when looking at the front, while the teacher was teaching.
Soeun walked to school with her earphones plugged in her ears. It's like her daily routine.
Namjoon was at his car, his driver drives them to school everyday. Inside the car it was pretty hectic as there were seven boys in one car.
They were all jamming to Bigbang's bang bang bang except for Taehyung, he was at the backseat, at the left corner, had earphones plugged in his ears. His eyes were closed.
Namjoon was very rich, but he never showed it to anyone at school. Only a few people knows that he's rich. Well his father owned one of the most biggest company in Korea.
Jimin was singing and suddenly his eyes saw Soeun outside the car. "Wait, stop the car!" He yelled to the driver, Mr. In stopped instantly making all of them jumped to the front.
Seokjin even knocked his head at the seat front. "Ow!" He whined rubbing his head. Namjoon quickly rushed to Jin and gently rubbed his head. "What the hell Jimin!" He said as his hands was still rubbing Jin's head, hoping it will make the pain fade.
"It's cutie!" Jimin said rushing to the door, opening it. Jimin saw Soeun and she had her earphones plugged in her ears. Jimin smiled.
Jimin ran as fast as he could so he could catch up with Soeun. "Cutie!" Jimin shouted, not caring when people around him giving him a judging look.
Jimin frowned when Soeun didn't turn around. Jimin thought she couldn't hear him so he ran more faster and tap Soeun's shoulder. Soeun immediately turned around and gave Jimin a confused face.
Jimin was smiling at Soeun so she remove one of her earphones from her ear so she can hear what Jimin was gonna say.
"Cutieee!" Jimin chimed. And Soeun looked at him weirdly, frowning. She looked around and no one was near her except for Jimin. "Me?" Soeun pointed to herself. Jimin nodded, smiling.
"My name is not cutie." Soeun answered and she was about to walk away but Jimin beat her to it. "Wait!" He said and Soeun looked at him weirdly.
All the boys followed Jimin and they are now behind him. Most of them annoyed with Jimin because he suddenly stopped the car.
"I swear to god Jimin you hurt Jin hyung's head-" Namjoon threatened Jimin but stop when he saw Soeun was there standing with them.
"Oh hello, who is this?" He said sweetly. He smiled showing his famous dimple. Namjoon was known as the prince charming. A perfect one at that.
"Um. I'm Lee Soeun." She said bowing at Namjoon. "Ah you're so cute and short!" Namjoon laughed and rubbed her head like a child.
Soeun flinched at Namjoon's touch, Namjoon quickly removed his hand from Soeun's head when he saw this, "I'm so sorry."
"What do you guys want from me?" Soeun asked timidly. She never got used on having too many boys with her at before and it was scaring her.
"I just wanted to say hi." Jimin said as she flashed Soeun his eye smile. "Ah can we give you a ride to school?" Jimin asked making Soeun blinked. "We have one free spot."
"What why-" Soeun's words were cut by Jimin. He was not going to let Soeun go. They have to get know about Soeun. "Just hurry up." He said.
"Yeah. Just come with us." Jin said softly. "We are not bad people." Jin smiled. That makes it more suspicious- "We are going to school, let's go together." Jin said, already pushing Soeun to Namjoon's car.
Jimin insisted Soeun to sit with him. Soeun's heart was beating so fast, her head was making thousands of scenarios. Soeun was so uncomfortable. One second she was walking alone, one second she was in a car with seven boys that go in the same school as her.
Plus a driver, so it's eight boys in the car with Soeun.
"Soeun, come sit with me." Jin said and Soeun gave him a frighten look. Jin saw her expression so he smiled softly. "I am the only one that has an empty seat here, I will give you space and I'll distance myself." Jin tapped the space beside him.
Soeun looked at the empty space, she looked at the car door and it was already closed. Cold sweats were forming on her forehead.
It was awkward to crouch in the car, so Soeun just went beside Jin. She placed her bag beside her, making a barrier between her and Jin because she didn't know him.
Soeun didn't even processed everything and she was in strangers car. What do they want from her? My gooooooood I'm scared. Soeun gulped down her saliva.
"Let me introduce all the boys here okay?" Jin talked as if he was talking to a child. Soeun looked at him and she just nodded. "Alright." Jin took a deep breath.
"We are all in a boy group called BTS." Jin said. "I'm sure you have heard it right?" Jin asked wanting to confirm. Soeun thought for a bit. "The school band?" Soeun asked and Jin nodded.
"I think you don't know our names except for Jimin and Taehyung right? Since we are your senior, well except for Jeonggukie." Jin added again. And Soeun nodded.
"This is Namjoon." Jin pointed to Namjoon as he gave him a smile. Oh he was guy that rubbed her hair just now. Soeun observed his smile. Dimples. She thought. "Hi." Namjoon said with a soft voice and smiled widely to Soeun.
Beautiful dimples.
"This." Jin pointed to the sleeping boy. "Hey Yoongi wake up." He slapped his stomach making the boy jumped on his seat. He groaned and opened his eyes, to meet Soeun's.
"This is Yoongi, Min yoongi. In our band his stage name is Suga." Yoongi looked at Soeun with his sleepy face. Soeun just nod.
"And this-" "HELLO I'M YOUR HOPE I'M YOUR ANGEL! I'M J-HOPE!" He screamed suddenly making Soeun looked at him with wide eyes.
Jin chuckled. "There you have it, he's Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. He already said his stage name." Jin said, smiling.
"And at the back one." Jin pointed the boy with his lips. "He is Jeon Jeongguk and he's the youngest here, so that makes him your junior." Jin smiled. Soeun take a look at Jungkook and he gave her his bunny smile.
"And lastly." Jin said, rubbing his eyes. "I'm Seokjin, Kim Seokjin. But call me Jin. I'm the most handsome in this group and I'm the oldest here." Soeun just smile awkwardly, she didn't answered.
"Soeun-ah, let's be friends from now on okay?" Jin smiled brightly.
Soeun sighed on her seat. What's gonna happen now?

FanfictionCOMPLETED "When I saw you crying I just want to hug you tight and tell you that everything's gonna be alright." -Kim Taehyung What happens if a crybaby meets a cold-hearted boy that hates people crying? Lee Soeun, a crybaby and Kim Taehyung, the dea...