Soeun whined as she felt the itchiness in her throat. Soeun groaned when she felt a massive headache coming. Her eyes were still closed. She tried to sit up, and that made her poor head hurt even more. So she laid back down to her bed.
"Ow... shit.. water... my throat.. my.. head.." Soeun whined, her voice hoarse, she cursed under her breath again as she scratched her throat.
Taehyung yawned as he turned around. He hummed when he saw Soeun already woke up. He smiled, snuggling his nose in Soeun's neck. "Good morning, Soeun." Taehyung said kissing her temples. "Did you sleep well, my baby?"
Taehyung whispered in his raspy sleepy voice. Soeun blushed ten times harder. Taehyung's voice always sound so godly in the morning. She heard it almost everyday but she still blush uncontrollably when she heard it.
Soeun nodded and groaned again, holding her head. "Ow.." She whined, voice slightly hoarse from her sore throat. "Wait, I'll bring you some water." Taehyung said, hopping out of the bed. Soeun began to close her eyes again. She felt exhausted.
After a few seconds, Soeun heard Taehyung's footsteps but her head was pounding too much for Soeun to wake up. "Soeun, wake up. Drink this warm water." Taehyung said, giving her the water.
Taehyung began to pull Soeun up, forcing her to sit down when she didn't wake up. Soeun let out a whine. She felt sleepy, she was ready to drop back to her bed. Soeun didn't open her eyes yet. Taehyung chuckled and shook his head.
Taehyung placed the water near Soeun's mouth. "Here, drink. You'll feel better." Taehyung said and Soeun gulped down the water, sighing in relief when she felt the moist in her throat as soon as she drank the water.
Soeun finally opened her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw an angel smiling in front of her— eh, no it's just Taehyung. Taehyung was giving her an angelic smile. She squinted her eyes.
Taehyung was smiling fondly. Soeun was about to smile back but she didn't when she noticed that Taehyung was... naked. She gasped, fully alert as her eyes went big. She yelped, rolled to the other side of the bed, groaning when she fell.
Soeun was wrapped in the blanket like a burrito. She whined when her head pounding. She tried to wiggle herself out of the blanket but she couldn't. "I'm... trapped!" Soeun whined out again. Taehyung looked at her for a few moment and laughed.
After he finished laughing, Taehyung looked at her, amused. Soeun looked helpless. "You never fail to make me laugh do you?" Taehyung smiled fondly and picked up the burrito Soeun, placing her gently on the bed again. Taehyung slowly got her out of the blanket.
Soeun's eyes were about to poke out from her sockets. Soeun gasped in realization. Taehyung was naked. Taehyung. was. naked. Soeun screamed, which made Taehyung taken aback. "TAEHYUNG, WHY- WHY ARE YOU NAKED?" Soeun asked, closing her eyes, blushing.
"What? I am not naked..." Taehyung said, frowning. "WHY ARE YOU NOT WEARING CLOTHES THEN?" Soeun screamed again. Taehyung shook his head, "It was too hot last night, so I slept shirtless, dumbo." Taehyung said, sitting on the bed.
"Ah," Taehyung said, motioning Soeun to open her mouth. Soeun did, Taehyung feed her two hangover pills, and hand her the unfinished glass of water. "What happened?" Soeun asked, tried not to be distracted by Taehyung's body.
Taehyung is actually fit— SOEUN STOP YOU PERVERT! Soeun said in her mind.
"You got drunk." Taehyung said and Soeun frowned, looking at him. She then blinked multiple times. "I did? I didn't drink any alcohol..." Taehyung chuckled, shaking his head. "You did, baby. You didn't realized that you drank alcohol. You drank wine, Soeun."

FanfictionCOMPLETED "When I saw you crying I just want to hug you tight and tell you that everything's gonna be alright." -Kim Taehyung What happens if a crybaby meets a cold-hearted boy that hates people crying? Lee Soeun, a crybaby and Kim Taehyung, the dea...