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Soeun was at school, the boys gave her a ride and went to their ways. They bid Soeun goodbye, Taehyung and Jimin went to the toilet, so Soeun took this time to go to her locker, wanting to take her books for the upcoming period.

Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulders, she looked back and saw Minju. She gulped in fear as her eyes widen. "We need to talk." Minju said glaring at Soeun. "Come on!" She said forcefully grabbed Soeun to a quieter place.

"Wait—" Soeun said but Minju was still grabbing her arm and Minju's nails were digging at her arms. Soeun yelped.

Soeun was dragged into an empty classroom. Minju looked at Soeun like a snake looking at its prey, still glaring at her. Soeun blinked, as her heart started beating faster. "What are you?" Minju asked as she gritted her teeth in anger.

"W-what?" Soeun said timidly. "W-what do you want from me?" Soeun managed to speak despite being so scared.

"Do not fuck around!" Minju spats to Soeun's face, Soeun whimpered and closed her eyes. "I gave you a warning. And you just ignore it?" Minju grabbed Soeun's hair, yanking it hard in her hand.

Soeun yelped as she attempted to remove Minju's hand from her hair. "I told you to stay away." Minju gritted her teeth. "I told you to stay away from them!" She screamed like a crazy person as she suddenly slapped Soeun's cheek.

Soeun yelped in shock, it's like déjà vu, it's like how she was with Jackson. The pain was the same, except the person in front of her is a girl.

"Listen here, bitch." Minju's nails were digging Soeun's face. Soeun's eyes were already watering. "Stay away from them, stay away from my Taehyung."

She grabbed Soeun's book from her hand and threw it on the ground, stepping on it. Minju punched Soeun's face.

"Remember, this is just the beginning." She warned as she walked away and slammed the door shut.

Soeun's stance became a squat, she buried her face in her hands. She sighed. "I never want it to be to this point." She sobbed.

"With Jackson, and now—" she cried, cried and cried again. "Maybe I should stay away." Soeun said to herself. She figured with that way she will be safer and...

But what about the boys? She sighed. Soeun hate to admit it, but she became attached to them.

After she calmed down, she went out the classroom. Carefully so she will not be seen with the boys. She decided, that she will run away when she saw them.

Soeun still didn't want to get them involved with her problems, so she made her mind to run away when she saw them.


The boys searched for Soeun everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. It was already after school, they thought Soeun was already in class but it turns out that she didn't enter class after all.

On recess, they didn't have the opportunity to search for her when the teacher suddenly delayed them with her long ass speech at the hall. Making every student didn't get to eat lunch.

"Where could she be?" Jimin muttered to himself as he scratched his hair. Namjoon appeared beside Jimin and looked at him, sighing in defeat when Jimin shook his head.

Taehyung groaned, pulling his hair in frustration. He might go bald but he didn't care. Taehyung was frustrated. "I am going to the rooftop." He said to his friends. All the boys followed him at the back.


The rooftop door slammed open with a loud bang. But she didn't care less, right now, Soeun was in her own world. She didn't even want to care about anything.

She had enough problems. That's enough. If she stay away from them, they will probably get over it soon.

Soeun's heart dropped when she noticed the all the boys were standing in front of her. As soon as she noticed them, she wanted to run away.

She still didn't look up, her face was probably still bruised.

Taehyung was already in front of her. He looked angry. His chest were going up and down. Soeun stood up from the bench and tried to ignore all of them.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked as his hands gripping on Soeun's arm. Soeun was struggling to get out from his grip. "Let go!" She begged. She didn't look at Taehyung and the boys.

"No. I won't let go until you tell us why you ran from us!" Taehyung's blood was boiling up. "Now tell us!" He shouted.

"No!" She cried. "Stay away!" Soeun was shaking miserably. Once again her stance became a squad. "Don't mind me and leave me alone!" She sniffles.

The boys looked at her in shock.

Soeun wanted to say more, but every time she attempted to say more, she'd sob instead.

"Go away..." she begged and afterwards she was whimpering with non-understandable words.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Taehyung asked. His voice was unbelievably soft. He grabbed Soeun's shoulders, letting her sit on the bench, all the boys were standing in front of her, worried.

She didn't want to answer the question, she didn't even want to look up. Her face was bruised badly. She really didn't want to worry them.

"Soeun-ah, please." Jin said softly. "Tell us, what happened?" He said as he looked at Soeun, she didn't look at them from the moment they went to the rooftop.

Taehyung groaned and squatted. He grabbed at Soeun's chin. "Tell us or else—" Taehyung's eyes enlarged. Jimin, Hoseok and Jin gasped in shock. The others just looked at her, stunned.

"W-who did this to you?" Taehyung asked he gritted his teeth. Soeun's cheek was red, bruised and was a little blue. Soeun didn't answered, she just shook her head.

"N-nothing, I ran onto a pole." Soeun gave a pitiful excuse. Taehyung scoffed. Jimin looked at Soeun, "I'm sure someone hit her, look at the hand mark!" He pointed at her cheek.

"Soeun-ah. Can you tell us what happened?" Namjoon asked as he looked at Soeun with soft eyes. Soeun still crying when she shook her head no.

"For fucks sake, stop crying will you?!" Taehyung shouted as he sigh; grabbing his hair in frustration. Soeun still looking at the ground, she was shaking harder than before. Jimin pinched Taehyung's hand, making the boy looked at him.

Taehyung just let out a deep sigh. "Just— tell us what happened." He said, trying his hard not to let her shed a tear from her eyes again.

Soeun looked up; eyes meeting with the boys worrying gaze, she bit her lips.

"Please just stay away from me."

"Not this again, we've talked about this right?" Namjoon said.

"Please. Just please." She begged, her eyes watering. She wiped it with the back of her hand. But the tears just won't stop coming out.

"You are not going to tell us why?" Yoongi asked. And Soeun shook her head almost instantly. She didn't want to burden them. "Bullshit, come with us." He said as he looked at Soeun. "Grab her." He said and Taehyung carried her in his arms, making her yelp in surprise.

"Let me down! Let me down!" She begged as she hit Taehyung's chest. But Taehyung didn't took any action. And they walked with Soeun in Taehyung's arm.

She was still hitting Taehyung's chest. As soon as they at the hallway everyone was looking at them.

"Let me down Taehyung!" She whisper-shouted as she didn't want anyone to hear her. Taehyung scoffed.

"Fine then. You want me to drop you?" He said as he looked at Soeun; her face buried at his chest. "I can drop you on the ground—" Soeun shook her head.

"Thought so. Now shut the hell up, we are kidnapping you."

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