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"Should I curl your hair?" Yunju asked.

"No," The boys answered.

"Straighten?" She asked again, trying to ignore the boys and face Soeun instead.

"Too plain," They replied before Soeun get to reply. Yunju rolled her eyes,

"Bald it is then." She said with a monotone, the boys jolted up from their seats.

"NO!" They screamed in protest.

"I am asking Soeun, not you guys!" Yunju snapped.

"Yeah, it's my hair, do you mind?" Soeun said looking through her friends from the mirror. "I want to cut my hair shorter, and I want a little colour too..." she said.

"MAKE IT PINK!" Seokjin screamed, making the boys jumped on their seats and Yunju literally dropped the scissors on the floor, "Christ, don't scare me like that, will you?"

"Let this little missy here decide on what she wants for her hair." Yunju said picking up the scissors on the floor. Soeun nodded in approval.

"But we want to choose for you, noona..." Jungkook pouted, his puppy eyes flashing through his eyes, looking at Soeun. His mouth already forming to a pout.

"Well shit," Yunju said looking at Jungkook, and then looking at Soeun. "You know what, fuck your opinion, let this bunny and his friends choose for you." Yunju said again.


"Fine," Soeun sighed. So much for being friends with them, now they are already choosing for my hair colour and hair style. She thought. "Alright, you guys can choose for me then." Soeun said.

"YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!" Suddenly the hair salon was full with screams. The other customers giving them a disgusted look. "SHHHHHH!!!" Yunju shushed the boys, as she gave them a glare.

"Make it pink!" Jin said again, earning some groans of protest from his friends including Soeun herself. "You're obsessed with pink." Soeun said suddenly and Jin shot her a look.

"I don't see any problem with that, woman!"

"I didn't said it was a problem." Soeun shrugged her shoulder with a sassy manner.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the boys cheered, even Yunju cheered with them.

Jungkook began to dance and all the boys dance with them. Soeun looked at Namjoon and his face looked like he was regretting his life desicions.

"Guys! We still need to figure out her hair style!" Namjoon blurted out suddenly. "Oh right." Hoseok said, giggling when Soeun looked speechless.

"Make it pink please!" Jin said again as he gave Soeun a wink. Soeun rolled her eyes, "noooooooooo," Soeun begged and Jin laughed.

"Green then." Yoongi answered, and Soeun shot him a death glare. "What, do I look like a nature person to you?" She snapped at Yoongi.

"It was a suggestion," Yoongi said and Soeun shook her head. "Suggestion declined." Soeun replied and Yoongi sighed. "Damn it."

"Any other suggestions?" She asked again looking at her dorky friends.

"Rainbow!" They screamed, making Soeun sighed again. She scratched her hair, today will be a long day...


After a decade(jk) of her friends figuring out her hair style and hair colour, she decided to take Taehyung's suggestion. He just told Yunju to cut her hair shorter, to avoid the split ends.

Soeun was a bit hesitant at first but she always kept her hair long to her waist... And it is actually a pain and to wash her hair because it took too long.

"So... just cut it short to remove the spilt ends and dead hair?" Soeun asked the professional. Yunju looked at Soeun for bit.

Yunju touched Soeun's hair delicately. "That's a good idea... Your hair is too long, you probably had hair loss when you comb it." Yunju said and Soeun nod multiple times.

"And bangs... just a little shorter than your back hair so it will create some volume. You still can tuck it behind your ear, so it won't be a nuisance when you're studying."  Yunju said, wide-eyed. "Perfect!" Yunju was so excited by her own idea for Soeun's hair.

"Yes, it will look so cute on her, so I agree." Taehyung said nodding. The boys smirked when they heard Taehyung said cute to Soeun.

"Taehyung's fashion sense is the best among us, he won't ruin Soeun's hairstyle, take his choice." Seokjin said looking at Yunju, earning a blush from her.

"So.... is it okay?" Yunju asked.

"Yeah.." Soeun looked at Taehyung and he was nodding. "Okay. I am actually excited too." Soeun smiled.


Sorry for the delay, writing is not easy T^T This is a filler chapter (again, yes I'm sorry) sorry if it's boring, fun stuffs will be happens afterwards! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I love youuuuuuu ♥♥♥


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