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[Soeun is small like smol like a lil bean it izz what it izzzzzz shhhhhh, also.. ⬆️ It's Soeun's hair.]

"Awwww she looks so cute!" Jin said looking at Soeun with sparkling eyes. Yoongi looked at Soeun.

"She looked really cute, I gotta admit that." Yoongi said.

"You look really great in this haircut, how come I've never realised?" Yunju said shockingly as she looks at Soeun. The boys too, went in front of her.

Soeun smiled widely at her friends. They all went to touch Soeun's hair resulting her to let a whine. "Hey, hands off! You guys will ruin my hair!" She laughed.

"Who cares? I paid for your hair anyways." Namjoon said and Soeun frowned. "Why would you pay?" Soeun asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" Namjoon deadpanned. Namjoon gave Soeun a look making Soeun nod. "Thank you very much." Soeun finally said and Namjoon smiled brightly.

"You guys want a haircut too?" Yunju asked looking at the boys, Namjoon looked at his friends, "Do you guys want? I'll pay for everyone."

They all shook their head, "I like my hair." Jimin mumbled.

"I think I'm gonna keep this mullet, it looks good." Taehyung added.

"Can I be bald? I'm lazy to wash my hair." Yoongi said already heading to a chair, but Jin pulled his shirt, making him stumble backwards.

Jin smacked Yoongi in the head.

"Hey, what the fuck was that for?!" Yoongi said, as he gave the oldest a death glare.

"You are not getting bald, how can you are lazy to wash your hair?" Jin nagged, Yoongi made a blank face as he scratched his ear in boredom.

"Are they always like this?" Yunju said looking at Soeun and Namjoon.

"Oh trust me, this can be count as normal." Namjoon answered.

[Time skip]

"Huh? A group chat?" Soeun asked, Namjoon nodded, "Yes, and you're getting in, princess." Namjoon said.

Taehyung held out his hand, Soeun stared dumbly at his large ass hands. Soeun frowned a bit. "Your phone." He said.

Soeun frowned more but eventually give Taehyung her phone. As soon as Soeun gave Taehyung her phone, Taehyung wasted no time and give it to Namjoon.

"What is this crappy phone?" Namjoon frowned at the Soeun's phone. Soeun looked offended. "What do you mean crappy- you know what, give it back to me!" Soeun gritted her teeth.

"No, I'm not letting you use this crappy phone, I'm going to buy you a new one. Come on, we're going to buy a new one."

"What? Wait hold on a second-" The boys didn't let Soeun finish her sentence before dragging her to the nearby department store.


And so Namjoon got Soeun a brand new phone. Soeun told Namjoon to not spend to much things on her but Namjoon snapped a shut up.

"I'm buying what I want to buy to you and you're going to accept it." Namjoon said, Soeun was about to argue but Jin had forbid her to do so.

"You're going to enter in our group chat." Yoongi said and took Soeun's new phone and her old phone. He had transferred every data in Soeun's old phone into her new phone.

CRYBABY || KIM TAEHYUNG 🍁✔️Where stories live. Discover now