●•85•● [#7]

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Taehyung's past #7

"It's activated!" Yoongi screamed and got up from his seat. Namjoon that was beside him also let out a sigh of relief. "So where do we have to go? Where is he?" Namjoon said already packing his things and ran to wake up his friends before Yoongi even answered.

Yoongi was too relieved, his eyes were literally watering. He sniffled and without wasting any time, he transferred the data from the computer to his phone. He ran out of his room with full blast.

Jin was the driver and Yoongi sat at the passenger seat for the first time, usually he liked to sit on the back because he could sleep but not now.

He needed to save Taehyung. Taehyung might be suffering so bad by just being with Minju right now. His father won't see him, and then Taehyung couldn't even see his mom now because of that heartless bitch.

Jimin was almost beaten to death because of that bitch. Yoongi was fucking certain that she will hurt Taehyung. Actually she already did. Yoongi wanted Minju to die, he wanted to see her blood on his walls.

Yoongi sniffles as a tear escaped from his eye. He wiped it off with the back of his hands. Jin rubbed Yoongi's shoulders. "Yoongi, don't cry, okay? We're going to save him, Yoongi.."

"I am not crying." Yoongi snapped. Jin just nodded and rubbed Yoongi's shoulders even more to comfort him. "Okay, we're almost there okay?" Jin said softly and Yoongi nodded.


"Taehyung, why won't you speak to me? Do you want me to rip your mouth open so you can finally get some words?" Taehyung looked at Minju and shook his head.

Minju scoffed and sat on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung felt uncomfortable. "Speak." Minju snapped. "M-Minju.." Taehyung called her, "W-what?" Minju mocked and laughed. Taehyung didn't like the fact that Minju was sitting on his lap, again without his consent.

"M-mama, I want to visit her..." Taehyung begged again. "You can do that later." Minju snapped and Taehyung shook his head. "No! I want to visit her now!" Taehyung snapped back.

Minju frowned deeply. "How dare you scream at me!" She screamed. She slapped Taehyung and glared at him. Taehyung whimpered.

"Why do you keep hurting me?" Taehyung choked out pitifully. "You're not following what I want. That's why." Minju said, "Did you ever hear what I want? Minju, I just... want to visit my mom! She's sick and there's no one taking care of her!"

"There is! I'm sure your friends are taking care of her! So don't you worry about her, she's sick, no? Sick people will die anytime soon! Suck it up-"

"No! Why do you keep saying she will die! She won't die! I am her son, I need to be there for her!" Minju glared at Taehyung. "Get off me!" Taehyung snapped and pushed her away from her lap.

"How dare you!" Minju screamed. Taehyung was sending her daggers. He hate Minju so much, at this point he could kill her. Minju was about to hit him again, but Taehyung held her wrist. "You know, I don't hit girls." Taehyung said and stood up.

"But it doesn't mean you can just hit me! I would never hurt you, but you hurt me a lot. I'm not gonna hold back anymore. I stayed so long with you, it's been months since I last saw my friends and my mom."

CRYBABY || KIM TAEHYUNG 🍁✔️Where stories live. Discover now