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Soeun walked to the school gate and again, she felt like she was the celebrity of the school.


Well it's because she was walking to the school gate with the boys, together. Bangtan boys were the all the girls' apple eye. Soeun looked down as she felt the glares at the back of her head.

Uh, I don't like this.

Soeun wanted to run away, she looked down and turned on her back, but it seemed like she had forgotten that the boys were all behind her.

"Woah woah, Soeun-noona where are you going?" Jungkook asked when she bumped on his shoulder. Jungkook managed to hold her shoulder before she fell backwards. Man she's a clumsy one.

"Uh, away from here?" She whispered. All the boys had this same question look.

"Why?" Jungkook mimicked her whisper. Soeun's eyebrows were frowned together. Did he really think this is the right time to joke around?

"Why are you whispering?"

"I don't know, why are you whispering?" Jungkook was still joking around.


"If you think we will really leave you alone from now on then you're deadly wrong." Namjoon said and Soeun sighed. "Jin-hyung." Namjoon lifted his eyebrows multiple times.

"Nah let's just go." Jin said as he gave Taehyung a wink and pointed his lips at Soeun. Taehyung quickly grabbed Soeun's shoulder, the pretty boys grinned in knowing matter, Soeun was taken aback, while the whole crowd gasped in shock.

"Shall we go, babe?" Taehyung smirked as he nearing his face with Soeun. Soeun face was on fire.

What is he talking about?!

The look on Soeun was priceless and so was the whole crowd.


"What the hell was that, guys?" Soeun asked as she groaned in frustration. Problems after problems.

"It was just a joke, we wanted to see the crowd's reaction." Yoongi said as he laughed.

"Did you saw the look on their faces?" Jin laughed so hard, he was already in tears. "It honestly made my day!" Jin laughed again, his fingers wiping his tears.

"You think this is funny?" Soeun snapped. "What was that?"

"We were just joking around, Soeun. Give it a rest." Jimin said as he was grinning. Soeun rolled his eyes but she began to smile when she heard Jimin's giggle, she tried to hold her laugh, Then, Hoseok began laughing too. But as soon as Jin started laughing, Soeun began to laugh too.

"You like it?" Jungkook asked innocently. Soeun sighed, still smiling a little bit. "It's not that I like it, I wanted to stay mad but," They were still laughing, "Their laughs are so-" Soeun laughed loud this time, she couldn't hold it anymore.

"Why do you laugh like that?" Soeun smiled, giggling as she wiped her tears. "But the stares really do scare me though..." Soeun mumbled when their laughters died down.

"We're sorry, Soeun." Namjoon said softly. Soeun shook her head.

"It's okay... but what's with the 'shall we go, babe?'" Soeun mimicked Taehyung's voice, she frowned her eyebrows, trying to mimick Taehyung's usual blank face. Jimin giggled loudly causing all of them to laugh too.

"My voice isn't like that." Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mmhmm." Soeun said with an uninterested tone as she now mimicking Taehyung's cold and deep voice. "Okay, Taehyung." She said in a deep voice again. The boys laughed even louder whilst Taehyung had a sour expression.

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