Soeun sighed. She felt extremely tired today, she thought about skipping school but she know she won't do that.
She needed the scholarship, and in order to get the scholarship, she had to get a full attendance. About the full attendance, it's not a must, but Soeun figured that she didn't want to take a risk.
Honk honk!!! A car honk. Soeun heard a car honk.
"Who the heck..." Soeun woke up, letting out a light groan and went to her windows, her eyes were about to flew out from her sockets when she saw a luxury car.
What the hell is a luxury car doing here?
Soeun's eyes went wide when she realized that the car was no doubt Namjoon's. She ran as fast as she could to the toilet to get ready, she wore her uniform and get her things as she dashed out her apartment in a hurry.
She heard the car honk again, oh the neighbours are so gonna complain.
Soeun checked her watch. "It was just 7am, these boys sure are early." She muttered under her breath and started running.
After she was out of the apartment, Soeun was literally of breath. She saw the seven guys, standing outside the car with a bright expression, waving at her. They looked so excited except for two,
Yoongi and Taehyung.
Soeun assumed that Yoongi must be sleepy and Taehyung... it was just his usual blank face.
Soeun forgot to tie her hair, because she ran as soon as she saw their car. She went to them with a confused face.
"What are you guys doing here?" She asked, and she crouch down to catch her breath because she ran. I should really go work out sometimes, my stamina is so weak.
"Good morning." Yoongi said sarcastically. "We are gonna give you a ride to school."
"It looks like you know that we are gonna give you a ride to school, seeing you in your uniform already." Jin said smiling like a proud father.
"It's obvious because you guys are wearing the uniform too." She stated. "But aren't you guys too early?"
"Yeah, we decided to be the best student," Jungkook said as his chin held high, but went down seconds later. "Just kidding." He said with a sly smile.
"We are actually going to hang out," Namjoon said.
"Right now?" Soeun asked unsure. She never really 'hang out' with someone. Namjoon nodded and smiled as his dimple decorated his cheek.
"To where?" She asked curiously as her eyebrows were knitted together.
"Ah, that is a secret, Soeun-noona." Jungkook said making Soeun gave a little pout.
"Uwaaaa you're so cuteeeeee!!!" Jimin suddenly chimed. And Soeun expression quickly changed to 'what-the-hell' face.
"If you want to know, you have to follow us!" Hoseok said excited like a child.
"Let's go." Taehyung said grabbing her bag. What is Kim Taehyung with grabbing bags?
Soeun didn't want Taehyung to snap at her when she wanted to take her bag so she had to fight the urge to do it.
As soon as they went inside the car, Jin was driving and humming.
"Jin you can drive?" Soeun asked shocked. Jin chuckled and nodded.
I'm sorry we woke you up early," Jungkook said softly. "You can sleep first, it will take at least 30 minutes to go there." Soeun was sandwiched between Taehyung and Jungkook.
"It's okay," Soeun said smiling. "I'm just gonna read a book until we get there."
But Soeun held the book not more than ten minutes, she went to dreamland.
Soeun groaned in annoyance when she felt someone shaking her body. She was having her beauty little sleep.
"Hey wake up." She heard a voice calling her. "Lee Soeun, wake up." Her cheek was poked.
"Uwaahh!" She screamed suddenly and held out her fist, her eyes still closed tightly.
"Ow!" Her eyes quickly open when she heard a voice that was clearly in pain. She looked up and saw Taehyung. Her jaw reached the ground instantly.
Soeun gasped in shock. Stupid dream! Oh god he looks like he's in pain! I'm doomed. Is he going to get angry- she came out from her thoughts.
"Kim Taehyung! Oh my god I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" She apologise countlessly as her a tear escape her eye.
Taehyung's face was facing the side and he held his cheek that was punched by Soeun. The punch didn't hurt that much, just a sting. It was a weak punch.
As he tilted his head to Soeun with his usual blank face, he spoke.
"It's okay, why are you crying." Taehyung said, trying his hardest not to let out a groan. "It's not like you're hurt." He said again, this time scratching his hair, feeling slightly annoyed.
It's not like she's hurt, so why is she crying?
Soeun was still sobbing, her small fingers wiping her salty tears that was flowing down to her face.
"Don't cry," Taehyung's voice was still a bit cold. "I'm not hurt, it's okay." He said, frowning at Soeun that was shaking because she was crying hard.
Taehyung's frown soften just a bit. "I'm not hurt, Soeun-ah." Taehyung said sighing. "Stop crying, hm?" He said patting her head.
Soeun nodded as she sniffed. "Did you had a dream?" Taehyung said as one of his eyebrows rised. Soeun nodded as she looked at the ground. Please don't ask about my dream-
"What did you dream about until you have to punch someone in your sleep?" Taehyung asked. Oh shit. This is so embarrassing.
Soeun looked at Taehyung, "Uh... there's a bad guy trying to punch me.." she trailed. "I think it's Jackson, and I unexpectedly threw a punch to him in my dream." Soeun said, recreating how she did in her dream by swinging her fists.
"And you threw me one in real life." He said chuckling. She is unexpectedly cute.
"Come on, the boys are waiting for us outside."
Thank you for reading I love you guys so much! ♥

FanfictionCOMPLETED "When I saw you crying I just want to hug you tight and tell you that everything's gonna be alright." -Kim Taehyung What happens if a crybaby meets a cold-hearted boy that hates people crying? Lee Soeun, a crybaby and Kim Taehyung, the dea...