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ammugithu 😘

Now cast is ready n the story finally starts... I said after ending fulfilling my husbands desire.

There was a group of men's sitting on a big table at the campus side.

Male one; Hmm Please yaar it smells yuck
Male two 💨 blows the smoke on the male one...

Male one; Suraj!
Male two; Laksh!

Male three just shook his head! Grow up!

SurLak; Neil!! Stay out of it!

Male four; leave him he is a kid!

SurLak; Sorry Shivaay Bhaiya... {🤣}.

Shivaay; last year it is my last year. Not my last day on earth. Don't call me Bhaiya I'm ur friend...

SurLakNeil; soon u will be our ex-friend! Then We have to...

Male five; hmm guys I'm here?!.

Suraj; hmm we can see u?!. He turns to Laksh n whispers in his ear. There is something I don't like on him.

Laksh; psst Bhai chose him n don't forget he has to pass some tasked.

Neil; u two always whispers but u know those who whispers lies often!.

The two glare at him. Laksh; please Suraj butt out the cigarette for me!

Suraj agrees n took out a flask {bottle} of his inner jacket pocket.

They all shock their heads.

Male five; please yaar talk to me! What I have to do?!.

Laksh; Manik u have to go to the rebel's n ask one of them for a date.

The others bursted out in a loud laughter.

Neil; those rebel's aren't real women.

Shivaay; even I think they r some kind other interested.

Suraj; Arrey yaar lesbian. Have fun! {guys don't get angry bcz I used lesbian. It's fiction only n my bad humour}.


They all looked...

Uff these rebel's naa never leave a chance to hurt as poor men's.

(Haha u thought one of the rowdies got hurt 😁 wrong....)

Laksh; poor guy...

Manik gulps. Do u really want me to go to them n propose one of them?!.

They four nods. Well for ur imagination the four were on one side n Manik was on the opposite of them.

Manik nods he stood up n walked the way with groggy legs...

Suraj was suppressing his laugh. Laksh; itna pitega {he will be trashed}.

Shivaay; u know. U r too much. He is trying for so long to be a part of this group.

Neil; Bhai not group Gang. Rowdies 😁. SurLak nods.

Laksh; oh look...

Manik was standing in front of Feminist one...

Manik gulps. Hi Ragini! What he did?!.

Ragini; he played with the fire. Now he has to bear the punishment.

Manik; what?!.

Ragini; he challenge me n I win the bet. He isn't able to pay his debts. So I gave him a nice taste of my anger. Don't try to fool me! U have to pay! Tomorrow or else... she raised her hand n the boy jerks back in scared.

The boy; I will pay please don't hurt me.

Ragini; hmm tomorrow!. Otherwise... she made a fist.

The boy scared.

Manik; Ragini leave him he'll pay for sure. Right otherwise we the rowdies will take care of him.

Ragini; oh Rowdy ke Baacha {oh so called rowdy} I don't ur help or the help of ur gang! U got it. Wait r u a rowdy now?!

Manik; well soon I will be one. Ragini woh...

Laksh; parri parri {hit hit}...

Suraj; gupshup kyun karrahe hain {y r they having smalltalk}?

Laksh; don't know...?.

I will tell U... the boys startled as the one who came was non other than Chakor.

Chakor; they r friends they know each other n... she smells... chi who of u smoke n drunk alcohol?!.

Suraj; uff just don't put ur nose in everything! Just get lost.

Chakor; U!!! She hits his back head with her palm n leaves.

Suraj; ouch! He rubs his back head. Jungli billi {Wild cat}

Chakor; Pakhandi {two-face}. Idiot!

The other's were laughing at Suraj.

Laksh; he didn't got hit but at least u got!

Suraj raised his hand. I will not leave her but he knows her this prank isn't going to work.

Laksh; haan Shivaay Bhai u said he is one of us but look he is befriended with the enemy.

Shivaay; hota hai {it happens} we all do mistakes. Let's see what happens next.

Ragini; Manik u go I don't have much time now...

Manik was scratching his back head. Ragini yaar listen I need ur help!

Ragini; my help for what??.

Manik; I want to be one of the...

Oh no what happen To U...

Ragini made a face... she frighten 😱. She gulps. Anika Di u here at this time.

Anika looked at the boy who was sitting on the bench with the blue eye. Who did this to u tell me?!.

The boy was scared of Ragini but he looked her way... Anika turns n Ragini moves away. Now it was Manik standing at the direction the boy shows.

Anika slapped him.

Laksh; Parri {hit} he got slapped!! Hahaha

The other's were laughing too.

Manik totally confused was holding his cheek.

Anika; u stupid rookie of the stupid rowdy gang how dare U?! She took off her sandals  👡 n starts to beat him with that..

Shivaay; hmm what abt this turning twist?!.

Neil; nothing he lied...

Suraj; absolutely right. We can't take liars in...

As if u all r the honest one...

Neil; aaah I know that voice. He looked at his back. Avny u here.

Avny; yes me! U r all liars men's r liars there is no man in this world who hasn't lied once in his life!

Neil; see she is the reason y I left the criminology.... we men's r liars doesn't matter if we save a life or not.

Avny; Shut up! U useless man.

Ragini vanished from there. Laksh; okay guys I have to leave my lecture is over.

Suraj; what...?! Okay fine have fun.

Laksh; someone recording it?!.

They all looked at each other no one was recording it.

Laksh leave n Suraj starts to record the final beating of Manik.

Laksh was on his way to his car when he was called in by the principal.

Laksh shit what now?!.

Laksh comes in but there was no one. Then he was pulled into an empty classroom where someone was seducing him....

Laksh pushes the person away. 😱


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