Our secret!

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Recap; Ragini was feeling unwell n stayed home. Suraj helped Laksh to vanish from the party.

Laksh was sleeping next to Ragini as she was still cuddling him. Laksh checked on her n her fever her temperature was reducing n getting back to normal. He kisses her forehead. When he hears the door knob...

Laksh please let it be locket...

Unfortunately it wasn't locket. The door opens n Laksh put the duvet over his head. He even tried to push Ragini away from him but she wasn't leaving him her grip was strong.

There were three different footsteps to hear.

Janki; Chakor look she is sleeping u don't worry she is fine now.

Chakor; haan but look she has covered her face. I will remove the duvet she will get fresh air...

Chakor was coming near to the bed.

Shekhar; Chakor! Let it be it will remove by her turning u don't worry even the window is open for fresh air!.

Chakor; haan Okay Uncle n Aunty I'm leaving. Who's shirt is this?!. Something is very fishy here??? I will find it out!

The door closed n Laksh removes the duvet. He was panicked but now he was breathing normally again.

Ragini scratches her nose n again hugs her Laksh. Laksh smiles he too hugs her fall asleep next to her..

On the next morning

Ragini was staring at her Laksh she wanted to kiss him n bite him but she knows he hates it as he wants to be the one who is the leader in their relationship but she knows that she is the one...

Ragini kisses his nose... he wiggles with the nose n Ragini loves. So cute my Lucky baby wake up!

Laksh rolls over her. No I don't want. He kisses her passionately on her lips...

Ragini was feeling the heat a raising in both of them just then her mobile phone rings...

At the same time Laksh mobile phone rings...

Both were confused n shocked. Who could it be?!.

Laksh checked on his mobile like Ragini did on her.

Laksh smiles. Maa...

Ragini; Chakor..?! So early in the morning?

They both picked up their call at the same time

AP; Laksh where r u?! Y haven't u returned yet?! Ur Papa is very angry!.

Laksh; Maa all fine I'm just coming. I slept at a friends place as it was too late to return home.

AP; okay make it fast. Bye

Laksh; bye! Don't ask me how I am? Y u would? What does it matter if I am alive or death!.

Ragini; Hey Chakor how r u?!

Chakor; Ragini u Say how r u?! Better?!

Ragini; Haan baba better thx.

Chakor; mention not r u coming to college?!

Ragini; haan I am coming! Just getting ready.

Laksh wore is shirt n was looking out of the window. He was happy as the road weren't very busy in front of Raginis house. He climbed the way down he come up throw the tree.

Ragini waves him bye n a flying kiss. Laksh hold it with his hand n placed it on his lips n jumped down from the tree...

He made his way to his home.

All were at the college

Kanak; Suraj Bhai u n Laksh Bhai r friends na?!.

Manik; haan They r best friends u don't worry!

Suraj; did she asked u or me?! R u Suraj?? No Na!!! Then shut up!

Manik was numb.

Suraj looked at her. Kanak all if fine between Laksh n me!

Neil; u sure yesterday u behaved weird.

Shivaay; n don't tell me that it was bcz there wasn't any alcohol!

Suraj Wah no one noticed that I'm sober n that too for 2 months 😤.

Chakor; oh Paakhandi come I need to talk to U!

Suraj glares at her. What Paakhandi! U!

Chakor; don't u dare to call me Jungli Billi bcz I'm not one!

Suraj took a deep breath. Fine! He stood up n took his bag along with him.

Kanak; best of Luck Bhai!

Suraj; that is really what I need! Luck!

Laksh come the moment. Ragini was just a few meters behind him....

Both RagLak saw SuKor walking together.

Ragini; what is going on?!

Laksh; how should I know?!.

Suraj n Chakor were at the bench near the library.

Suraj; what is? Y u wanted to talk to me?!

Chakor turns. It's abt Ragini n Laksh!

Suraj looked at her. What abt them?!.

Chakor; oh come on n I know that u know it! U r covering them!

Suraj; I am what?!

Chakor; covering! Like last night?!

Suraj; what I did??

Chakor; u helped him to escape the party!

Suraj starts to laugh. No y would I?!.

Chakor; I saw him...

RagLak What?!

Chakor; oh u followed us?! Well well well will u explain me what is going on?!.

Suraj; Arrey nothing is going on between them! Laksh is only talking to her bcz of Manik!

Chakor; Manik?! What is with him?!

Suraj; woh Shivaay is leaving n we need a new member n he was selected as a recruit. Ragini knows him from childhood so we r just doing some researches, right?!.

RagLak; Haan right.

Chakor has crossed her arms around her chest. Mr. Paakhandi u r nicer than I thought fine I will pretend to believe u! But I recognised the shirt last night n I saw Laksh leaving the room in the morning.

Chakor stood up. My mistake Ragini come!

Ragini nods. Haan Haan let's go!

Laksh could breath again. Uff Bhai u saved ya! U really hate Manik Haan?!

Suraj; if he enters the Rowdy's then I'm gone!

Laksh; I don't like him either! He is eyeing on my Ragini!

Suraj smirks. My Ragini..?!

Laksh; Please Suraj... oh I need ur help!

Suraj; I just did!

Laksh; oh come on listen! If mom asked I slept at ur place!

Suraj looked at him. U slept at her place?!

Laksh; she was in fever I just stayed there to care for her!

Suraj nods. Means she saw him coming down!
Uff 🤦‍♂️.

Laksh; what happen?!

Suraj shook his head. Nothing let's go!


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