Our secret... Date#2

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Recap; RagLak date #1 Suraj mother's death date...

Laksh; Arrey Suraj I'm ur best friend of course I will stay with u... from now till night...

Suraj; thx I need friends...

Laksh smiles. She will definitely kill me but Suraj is like my bro I can't leave him alone.

Suraj; Laksh u have a plan?! I mean is there something wrong u have a date?!

Laksh shocks he widen his eyes! WHAT! A date n that too me?! What Suraj?! U might haven't drink anything but the intoxication is still on u!

Suraj looked at him in anger. Laksh! He stood up n left.

Laksh was thinking how to inform Ragini... he was biting on his nails... thinking what to do?!.

Ms. Devil
I'm so excited ❤️.

Laksh No way I can't tell her now! I will find a way to meet her. Haan

Mr. Shy
Me too 😊.

They were having their classes...

Kanak; Ragini u know Laksh n his friends will be with Suraj to give him some company.

Chakor; so what?! Y r u telling us?!

Avni; haan We don't care!

Kanak; woh I thought maybe u r going to have a girls night out?! So if could I come too?!.

Ragini spits the water. She coughs.. "cough".

Anika; Ragini yaar be careful. She pats her back.

Chakor; what happen?! U have plans for tonight?

Ragini; No... but y the sudden interest?! Kanak u r not that kind of girl.

Kanak; woh someone said I'm a Behen ji type...

Chakor; ops!

Kanak; so any plans?!

Avni; haan let's hangout together!


Ragini Nahi...! Arrey Yaar... yaad aaya {I remember}

Avni; what?!

Ragini; I can't come... mom uff!!

Chakor; what happen?

Ragini; she had planned a mother daughter day u know how she is when it comes to spend time with her one n only child.

Oh yaa!!! Have fun!

Ragini smiles. Save sorry friends but I want to meet my love... Laksh 😍.

The lectures were over n the boys made their way to Suraj place.

Suraj; Laksh what the hell is Manik doing here?!.

Laksh; I didn't invite him.

Suraj; then?!

Shivaay comes from the back. I did! Suraj give him a chance!

Suraj huffs. I don't want to give him a chance he is a liar! U know how much I hate liars.

Laksh Oh God please save me! If he finds out abt my lie... me n Ragini he is gonna kill me!

Neil; Hey Laksh where r u lost?!.

Laksh; no nowhere?! Come let's order something to eat!


Our secret love - RagLak Where stories live. Discover now