The perfect ending

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Recap: Ragini is scared to fail in everything.

Ragini looked at Chakor, "Please come na, otherwise he won't help at least he won't like it if I will come with Avni."

Chakor glares at her, "Ragini are you trying to get us together? Look I'm not interested in him."

Ragini shook her head, "he doesn't like Avni and you know Neil is at his place currently as he is having a fight with his parents."

Chakor couldn't believe it, "is he a hotel? All are coming and going per wish?"

*ring ring ring ring*

Ragini checked her mobile phone, "Laksh," she smiles seeing his name. She cuts the call and looked at Chakor, "please! Come and support me." She begged and Chakor agrees.

At Suraj place

"Laksh I have no idea where she is," he was lying on the phone to Laksh as Ragini was in the kitchen destroying it. Yehi larki mili thi {couldn't you find another woman?}

"Suraj yaar, she cut my calls several times. In tensed just at college she was behaving weirdly and I can contact Chakor either. Do you have an idea where she is?" Laksh was hoping to get an answer.

Suraj hates to lie, but he had promised to keep her secret, "no, I don't know where she is. Why should I?"

Laksh pouts, "well I thought you might patch up and become friends?"

"Patch Up? Friends? With that Jungli Billi, never."

Chakor heard it and throw the rolling pin on him. Suraj saw that and duck on time.

"Laksh listen come in the evening, dinner at my place." Suraj invited him and Laksh agreed.

Ragini come to him, "no Sura, why you called him over for dinner? I can't cook. I'm miserable."

Suraj shook his head, "even if he loves you and has to bear your food. Now go back into the kitchen and make the food I have told you."

Neil was witnessing it with Avni from the couch. Chakor had agreed to come, but only if they will get Avni too.

Chakor was fuming at Suraj, "How could you invite him, she isn't ready and you are a miserable teacher."

Suraj fumes and pushes her. She falls backwards on the hard floor. Suraj took a cloth and a bucket with water, "here start with the cleaning of the ground and you," He points on Ragini, "cook the recipe I gave you or leave. You come to get my help, now do as I say or leave."

Ragini gulps, "No it's okay. Chakor clean na." Ragini keeps on cooking the given recipe there was something in Suraj authority that Avni and Neil stayed quiet.

The time was passing and the food was burning for the third time, it's the third lesson and it is the third time Laksh has been called to have dinner with Suraj alone.

Suraj had the idea to make Laksh use of the bad food of Ragini, he kept it as a secret that she is cooking and waiting for his review. Which was always honest and disappointing for her.

Ragini pouts, "I'm so bad."

Kanak was there with Chakor, Suraj said he won't tolerate Chakor any further with there won't be someone to keep her away from him.

"Ragini have some patience you aren't working with structure, Bhai told you to follow the recipe and the timing of it, but you sometime skip one part and then all goes wrong."

Chakor nods, "Kanak is right, Suraj told you many times how to prepare it correctly, but you just do it as you want to make it."

Suraj come into the kitchen, "Wait, repeat this. Did you just complement me?"

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