Our secret... date #1

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Recap; secret meeting 🤣
ATHIRA451 ❤️

Laksh was in the canteen sitting with his rowdy gang when he received a msg.

Ms. Devil
Meet me at 9 pm at the cafe xyz

He didn't answered

Ms. Devil
Hello !!!! Answer me

He didn't replied

Ms. Devil
Oh Mr. Shy!!!! Reply to me is the date on or not?

Mr. Shy
What Mr. Shy??? Haan it's okay at 9 pm.

Ms. Devil
I know u named me Ms. Devil! 😝

Mr. Shy
But I'm not shy...

Suraj; what r u doing?! To whom r u sending messages? We r all here...?!

Shivaay; Laksh r u hiding something?!

Neil; very bad?!

Manik; Ragini?!

Laksh frighten. What Ragini?! Don't take her name!

Hey!!! They were smelling....

Oh gosh u r again sober r u ill?!.

Suraj looked at her. Jungli Billi don't u have another work?! Go n annoy someone else!

Laksh; but Bhai. Point hai... ur Dad left na?!.

Suraj took his books me leaves.

Neil; today is his mother's death day!

Shivaay; idiots!!!


Jungli Billi!!! Go!!!
Chakor; what?!.

Laksh; u... U broke our friends heart n if u don't want us to break ur bones...


Laksh; aaahhh my nose. Have u gone mad?! I have a...


Laksh; sensitive nose yaar! Am I bleeding?!
He shows his nose n they all shook their heads.

Laksh pushes her. What the hell do u think u r a woman n we won't react on ur cheap action!

Chakor; what cheap action?!

Neil; Arrey Chakor leave it. Laksh u remember judo karate n what else?!

Avny; u better listen to ur idiot like friend

Neil; Idiot?! Better than a psycho!

Avny; Psycho u called me a psycho!! Have u gone mad?! I will show u ur real state... Chakor kick him in his damn ass!!!


They all looked but she was gone.

Shivaay; at least someone with a heart. She has gone after Suraj!

Suraj was eating his sandwich on the bench when someone sat next to him.

Ms. Devil
Meet me now!!!!!

Mr. Shy

Ms. Devil
Behind the tree come!!!!

Laksh rolls his eyes. Avny it's okay. We know u can't do much without ur Chakor... so leave it u psycho. Neil I have to go... Suraj..!

Shivaay; that way... 👉.

Laksh 👍.

Ragini was watching at Suraj n Chakor...

Laksh come there he was looking left n right but no one was there besides them. What u said Mr. Shy... I will show u Mr. Naughty!.

He comes from the back n touches her waist. But she stopped him with a sudden push...

Laksh; ouch!!

Ragini; sshh 🤫🤫🤫.

Laksh gesture with his hand. What?!

Ragini helped him to stand. Both were behind the tree n watching at them...

Ragini; our ticket...

Laksh; ticket?!

Ragini; haan if they fall then we can openly love.

Suraj; what the hell r u doing here?! R u stalking me?! Just get lost!

Chakor huffs 😤. I come to apologise but u r gud for nothing. Just forget it u r n u will be always be a drunken!!! U can't change u will always be the same! It's ur mother's death day! A day u should drink but u r sober?! Y?!

Suraj; get lost!!! Or I will forget that u r a woman!

Laksh; ticket?! Nice idea

Ragini; shit they two can't stop fighting!

Laksh; like tom n Jerry! Oh like us.

Ragini turns. Our date plan is on right?!

Laksh smiles. Haan!

Ragini smiles back. Gud tell me what should I wear bcz I want u to wear a hmm white shirt u look so hot in white n Haan keep this beard.

She kisses his cheek...

Laksh; hmm U can wear....

Ragini; haan...?!

Laksh; hmm... don't know!

Ragini pushes him anger n leaves.

Laksh; ouch!!

Suraj; who is there?!.

Laksh; Arrey me ur friend Laksh.

Chakor; best of luck with this idiot!

She leaves in anger n Laksh stood up.

Suraj; what were u doing on the ground?!.

Laksh; enjoying the view. I slipped!

Suraj; oh... u okay?!

Laksh; haan I'm fine... Sorry yaar... I forgot... maaf karde mujhe!!!

Suraj; it's okay but...

Laksh; but?!

Suraj; u have to stay at my place for tonight u have to help me!

Laksh; tonight?!.

Suraj; Haan tonight u have other plans?!

Laksh smiles nervously. No! He shouts. I don't have other plans. Acha from when to when?!

Suraj took a deep breath. Laksh from now to the whole night.

Laksh; acha Haan sure. Only me or the other's too?!.

Suraj looked at him. Yaar U r enough but u can call the other's s too besides Manik. I can't stand him!

Laksh hmm u r not alone. Don't worry I will handle it.. she will kill me!

Hehe 😉
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