Our Love Story

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Recap: RagLak confesses their love to each other.

Ragini was beyond happiness. "Laksh get up! It's the next morning you stayed the whole night. Laksh!". She shakes him but he was in deep sleep.

Ragini kisses his earlobe and made him smile. He hold her and rolls over her. "Babe that is not good! You know what can happen, when you play with me?". Ragini shies and hides her face on his chest.

Laksh hold her tight. "You know I love you...". He kisses her head and she smiles. "Okay Laksh then it's done official!". She was so happy. Both got ready for college.

Laksh was waiting for her after jumping down the window. It's always me doing this risky job. Jumping from the window! Entering the house through the window. She met me only once at my place that too just to make fun of me. Well she was loving me...

Ragini comes running to him. "So today my boyfriend is going to drive me to the college!". Laksh smiles. "Well if to be a boyfriend means to become a driver for your girlfriend then yes that is what I will do! I will drive you to the college!". Both laughs and sat into the car.

Soon they arrived the college to the surprise of everyone besides two... SuKor. Both were happy. Finally they are admitting it...

Ragini was happy. "I love you so much!". Laksh smiles at her. "Great!". He was showing his teeth's to her. "What happened Laksh?". He was breathing heavily. "Maa?". Ragini turns. "What?". She shocks and Laksh laughs. "Hahaha Ragini I was just joking...!". She turns and pushes him. "I hate you!". She hits him.

Suraj shook his head. "Uff can't they stop and just hug each other!". Suraj looked at Chakor. "If they could do that, they wouldn't be fighting, right?". Chakor glares at him in anger.

Laksh hold her tight. "I will now show everyone that you are mine!". Ragini was hurt and turns her face. He kisses her cheek and she smiles. "Laksh!". She looked at him. He made her turn to her other side. He kisses her other cheek. "And now? You know I have a forehead two eyes and one nose!".

Laksh pulls her close. He kisses her lips....

"Finally!". Chakor sat in front of Suraj. "You know I'm really wondering that you haven't even started to drink again! I mean the true of Manik is out but you still sober, nice!". She was really impressed by him. But Suraj was looking at them only. "Chi Suraj have same shame, haven't you seen people kissing each other?". Suraj made her turn this wasn't just a kiss it was a smooch... Chakor was looking there with open mouth. "Suraj stop them!". Suraj looked away. "No way! Your bestie!". Chakor was confused. "But he is your bestie!". Suraj looked at her. "You can keep him!". He stood up and left for the class, Chakor did the same.

"Laksh...!". They broke the smooch and looked at each. "I didn't knew you would do that?". She holds him tight. "I like that a lot. Thank you for showing them that I'm yours now!". She hold him tight and they went to their classroom.

Laksh was holding her close and Manik was staring at them in anger. What the hell. She is with him? For how long are they a couple now?.

Laksh was eating from here lunch box at the lecture time. "Laksh I have more you eat this now!". She was even feeding him, which surprised even the teacher. "I think I'm in the wrong picture. Can someone explain me this miracle?".

Laksh stood up. "Sir, I'm just too awesome she had to fall for me!". He sat back and eats further. "Laksh!". She hits him but she did fall for him, that is something she can't deny after all it was her who pranked him and wins the bet for the kiss. "Sir, but I'm better than him in everything I do! So I'm the one who is awesome and I accepted him!". She sat back on her place next to him.

Laksh pouts. "Ragini!".

Ragini glares at him. "Laksh!".

Laksh shrugs backwards. "I love you!".

Ragini was smiling like a mad one. "You know how to make me calm!". She cuddles with him and he could eat further. "You have to learn to cook from your mother!". Ragini looked at him. "Why? I don't want to learn it?".

"But what will you serve me after marriage?".

Ragini widen her eyes. They only confessed the love without thinking of the future here Laksh just said it out.



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