Fight of honour

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Recap: entry of Bullies.

Laksh n his friends were shocked but like Suraj said. "Manik ka Baacha tujhe to nahi chorenge {Manik u ass we won't leave u}".

Suraj was holding the other's back. Sahil glares at him. "U better think before speak!". Suraj looked at him with anger. "Just Shut Up!".

Laksh n Manik were fighting like mad. "Manik u ass u have cheated us n used our kindness for ur own benefit!". Laksh was shouting at him. But Manik is unfair he pushes Laksh with putting his weight on his shoulder n then hits him in his stomach. Laksh felt the pain.

The Rowdy's. "Laksh!".

The Bullies. "Stay out! Fight of leadership!".

They stood there like statues n Manik come over Laksh to punch him. He was holding his hand in a defending way but then too his lower body wasn't covered.

Laksh got a massive punch on his stomach. Suraj burns in anger he pushes Manik away from Laksh.

Manik claps on his hands. "Look what a leader he is!". 👏👏👏👏👏

All looked at them.

"His so friends told my friends to stay out of this fight coz it's the fight of leadership. N here the drunkard come to his help... oh poor Laksh always needs someone else help. Can't fight on his own!". Manik made a fake cry face n rubs his eyes as if he was crying. "Wooaan😭".

"Hahahaha hahahh" the Bullies were laughing which only growth the anger of Suraj who had made a fist.

But Laksh stood up. "Manik I'm not defeated yet!". He shouts n stood up Suraj abt to help him but Laksh pushes him away. "I don't need ur help! Stay out of it!". He warns Suraj not to interfere in this matter.

Suraj took his bag n left from there.

Ragini looked at Chakor whereas Chakor looked at Ragini both were confused what to do...

"Kanak follow him!". Both said simultaneously.

Kanak nods n rushed behind him. Suraj was fuming n speaking to himself. "Idiot, stupid I showed him how to fight yet he is got beaten up n that too by that Manik. Arrgggg! Manik I will not leave u!". Kanak was hearing it all n she places her hand on his shoulder. Suraj jerked it away. "Who?". Kanak frighten. "Me... Kanak!". Suraj took a deep breath n asked to leave him alone.

Karthik looked at the girl. "Y do u want to help him?".

All looked at ChaRag.

Avni come to them. "Haan Chakor y u r ready to help Suraj?". She places her hands on her shoulders n shook her. "R u alright? Did u slept unwell? Do u have fever?".

Chakor shook her head. "Enough! Suraj hasn't done anything wrong! Besides Ragini.... day y we r on the side of the Rowdy's!". She winks with her eye.

Ragini nods she didn't thought long n gave a clear statement. "Don't forget that Manik hat tried to misbehave with me! The Rowdy's weren't aware of it what Manik was doing behind their backs, which means that the Rowdy's were innocent to be blamed. It's all Manik's fault!". She could breath after saying it all.

Laksh was standing on his feet's looking at Manik with hate n disgust. "Manik I will finish u. And then no one will be here to ur help!".

Manik smirks. "Look who is speaking. U r nothing without ur friends what will u do to me?". He fakes to be scared.

Laksh fumes even more. U have touched my Ragini that was ur first mistake. U insulted my friend like brother that was ur second mistake. But u underestimated me that is ur biggest mistake!.

Laksh come with full speed to Manik. He started to hit him n defences his attacks with his hands. He blocks on attack by another just then Manik comes to kick him. Laksh moves backwards. He ducked n with his leg he kicks Maniks feet away. Manik lost his balance n was lying on the ground with his back.

Laksh stand on his feet's places his feet on Manik's chest. "U will not interfere in our matter. U r a Bully n ur so called friends r ur puppies keep them n be happy with them. But u won't be able to take my place or the place of the Rowdy's!". Laksh bend down n warns Manik for the last time.

"Stay away from those who doesn't want to be close to u! Which includes everyone here in the college. If we, The Rowdy's, will get to know that u harass anyone then u will see the worst of me... then no one will STOP Suraj!". Laksh stood up he took his bag n left.

Neil n Shivaay looked at each other. "Done!".

They left with Laksh to find Suraj who was playing at the playground with some kids.

Even the rebel's followed them.

Anika had the idea as they help them with Manik at first place n Suraj shouldn't start to drink again as he sober for so many months.

They all were shocked seeing Kanak holding his bag while he was playing with the kids.

Laksh shook his head. "Suraj!" And he hides behind Shivaay. "Really Laksh... r u so scared of him?". Laksh nods. "U aren't na so y u ask then?". Shivaay just nods. Arrey even I'm scared of him... He smiles.

Kanak come to the other's. "He asked me to leave but he was so upset that I couldn't. What now?". She asked into the round.

Ragini places her hand on her shoulder. "Let me talk to him!". Kanak nods n all other's were surprised.

"Wait y r u going let Chakor go!". Shivaay suggests. "As she n Suraj have a weird bonding?". All thought n agreed but Chakor refuses so Ragini went.

Ragini looked at him. "Suraj u r na like a brother for me. Please forgive that idiot whom I love....!".

Suraj looked at her. "What?... u do what?". Ragini looked at him. "I love him!". Suraj again looked at her. "U love him... not like this kind of prank thing but real like I love my mom thing?".

Ragini got confused. "When I say I love him then I mean it like I love my shoes!". Best example...🤔.

Suraj blinks with his eyes.

All looked at them from far.

Suraj hits his palm on his forehead. "Y?...".

Ragini got confused. "Y? Bcz he is so cute...".

Suraj has shown her his palm. "Y u told me that! I don't wanted to know that... does he know??? That u love... LIKE LOVE HIM?". He asked her again.

Ragini shook her head. "Kindly keep it as a secret!". She smiles n left from there.

Suraj 😭😭😭😭😭😭 one more secret... when she will tell him....?

Ragini comes back. "I think he is fine now!".

They looked at him. "U sure???!".

Ragini nods. "Haan bcz he isn't angry anymore!".

They all blinked at her. "How?".

Ragini 🤫.. My secret.... 😏 see later... 😉.

Laksh moves backwards as this wink was for him...


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