The destroyer

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raglak__forever 😊I know I'm late

Recap: the college knows and Manik got to know about RagLak. Laksh asked her about her cooking skills.

Ragini was lost in her own world. [be honest how many day dreamt in school or college while a lecture 🙋‍♀️].

Dream sequence
A big mansion is shown a woman in her mid 50's is sitting in the garden with a man in his late 50's. Both are resting their legs on the table, the hands intertwined on their own laps. There comes the tornado.

There was the sound of chinking dishes. Their heaven of piece turns into a living nightmare of hell.

"DP ji what kind of girl has our son chosen?".

"AP I have tried a lot of explain you he is good for nothing like his wife. Ragini!".

Yes those two are Laksh parents. Both were sitting together on the garden chair in fear of any demolition of her newly wed DIL.

Ragini was in the kitchen making the tea. "Today nothing will break or burn or get hurt!". She pouts. I'm so unlucky. My first day and I broke the bed. Hey not alone he helped me... then the Rasooi disaster, I had to make a Halwa {Sweet dish} for Laksh and his parents, I mistakenly add Salt in it instead of Sugar... You know of catastrophe follows with the next one. Laksh first day at office and I broke his leg... I played a prank on him... small one.

He was coming from the washroom and I attacked him from the back, he slipped badly and broke the leg 🤦‍♀️. How could I know he has weak bones.

Well it's my 2nd week in this house and I'm known as Ragini the destroyer... 😭.

"No I'm not the destroyer!".

All looked at her.

Laksh gaze was fixed on her. "What did you said the destroyer?". He had a mischievous smile on his face. "What are you going to destroy?". Ragini looked at him and her eyes were filling with tears. 😭. She starts to cry and all were confused.

Laksh was trying to calm her. "Ragini, hey please Ragini calm down! Please shh! Sir can I?". Ragini took her bag and vanished from there she bumped into Chakor at the hallway.

Chakor hold her. "What happen to you? Why are you crying?". She hugs her and tries to console her. Laksh took the permission to leave the class to follow her. "Chakor!". Chakor shook her head and Laksh stayed away. "Okay!". He shows a thumbs up and entered the class again.

Chakor took Ragini along with her to the canteen. No one else was there and Ragini starts to speak about her day dream and the way they called her. "Ragini the destroyer! 😭".

Chakor shook her head. "It was just a dream come on don't take it serious! And besides you have time to change. I mean to say you have time to learn to cook! Come!". Chakor pulls her and Ragini didn't wanted to, but a no to Chakor was not possible.

Chakor and Ragini were standing in front of the household management room/kitchen. Ragini pouts. "Forget this as soon as possible. I'm not going to attend this course!". Chakor hits her with her elbow. "Shh!". She placed her index finger on her lips and pulls her close. "Just watch". She whispers and Ragini took a look into the room.


Ragini was jumping and holding Chakors arm. "Thank you Thank you thank you! Many times Thank you!". Chakor smirks. "Mention not! Now you know what to do!". Ragini nods and hold her tight. "Ragini what are you doing leave me!".

"Hi Suraj Bhaiya! Me and my friend Chakor wants your help! Please do help me na!".

Chakor shook her head. "I don't want you help she wants it!".

Ragini pinches her. "You will be my moral support! Or his?". Ragini was scared of her own skills.

Suraj was confused. "What do you want from me?". He narrows at them. Ragini explains him her fear and Suraj starts to laugh. "Don't worry Ragini you are having a wrong picture on his parents. They are.... Haan they are like her!". He points on Chakor. "What the fuck!". She took his project a delicious cake and slammed it on his face!. Suraj taste it. "Mmh good! I don't have to share!". They all glared at them. "She did this!". Ragini points on Chakor. "The real destroyer!". Suraj said and all laughed even Ragini.

"Please help me and I promise Chakor will behave!". Ragini smirks at her. "Please!". She pleaded and Chakor nods unwillingly.

Suraj smirks. "Oh girls what I will get?".

Ragini pouts. "You want something from me? I called you Bhaiya. I gave you so much respect...!". She was chewing the cake. "Yummy!". She was licking her finger after taking a bit of Suraj face.

"You have to help her or!". Chakor left from there and Suraj was confused. "Ragini or what?". She shrugs. "I don't know!". She continues to eat. "But you will help me or I will destroy your life! I will do it!".

Suraj lifts his hand in defence. "Fine whatever you want to do, but Neil is staying at my place he had a fight with his father. Don't know why everyone thinks I'm a hotel or something!".

Ragini pouts. "Should I come with Avni instead of Chakor?". Suraj blinks his eyes in disbelief. "No!".


So cooking lessons

You can decided


And should Laksh come as a surprise guest who has to taste the food?

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