Secret party

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Manu2026 & ATHIRA451 & samaira8802

Recap; RagLak... Ragini naughty n Laksh jealous. The Rowdy's won the basketball game n the rebel's cheer for them.

Ragini n Laksh were with their gangs when the college announced to arranged a party for the winning match.

Ragini yay my hero won n now they r going to throw a party! Yes!.

Avni; what's that. We also helped then y the party is only for them?!

Neil; no Avni it's not right the party is for everyone! But u Na never listen to men's voice.

Avni; What?!.

Neil stepped back in scare n hit with Suraj chest.

Suraj; Idiot!

Abnei; Who?!

Suraj; U both!

Avnei both afraid of him...

Suraj smirks... I love my effect on those puppets. Now go from here I have to talk to someone...!

Avni; What u mean?!

Suraj; Go! He said with anger.

Avni; Fine I'm going but not bcz u said but bcz I want to go!

Suraj; whatever!

Neil; Bro u want me to go?!.

Suraj nods. Go!

Avnei vanished from there into the opposite direction.

Ragini was sitting there. Hmm my brother what happen?!

Suraj looked here n there. U got him?!.

Ragini was shocked. What whom?! No! I have to go?! U Jerk...

Chakor; Oh Paakhandi stay away from here?!

Suraj glares at Ragini who was pleading throw her eyes. Sorry...

Suraj was angry he turns to her. Jungli Billi...?! I have no time to waste it on u... he lifts from there without giving her a glance.

Chakor; Ragini how many times should I tell u. Stay away from him!

Ragini; Chakor I did he come to me... well let's go... it's party time.

Chakor nods.... they all were at their homes to get ready for the party.

Laksh was trying to focus on his look when he got two msgs.

Ms. Devil


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